All students registered by Monday, 23 January are sent a registration invitation to the email on record on their Blackboard account. If you did not receive the email or would like to use a different account, write to
. Include in your email that you not receive a Gradescope invitation, your preferred email, and your EmpID. We will manually generate an invitation. As a default, we use your name as it appears in Blackboard/CUNYFirst (to update CUNYFirst, see changing your personal information). If you prefer a different name for Gradescope, include it, and we will update the Gradescope registration.
Unless otherwise noted, classwork is submitted via Gradescope. Access information is given during the corresponding lecture.
If you attended class that day, there is an option to earn 0.5 points for attendance and space to include the row and seat number. If you were not able to attend a given lecture, you can still work through the classwork at home and we will replace the fractional point for that classwork with the grade you earned on the final exam. Do not say you were in the room if you did not attend.
Classwork 1: Due 3pm, Wednesday, 25 January.
Available during lecture on Gradescope (paper version also available for those without a phone or laptop at lecture), this classwork complements the exploratory data analysis of names and foreshadows the sampling of data in the second half of the class.
Available during Lecture 1 on Gradescope, this classwork introduces the autograder that is used for the programming assignments. The structure of the sample program mirrors the structure and content of the upcoming Program 1. To get the most out of this exercise, bring a laptop with you to lecture with a development environment (IDE) that has Python 3+ to work through in lecture.
Note: Hunter College is committed to all students having the technology needed for their courses. If you are in need of technology, see
Student Life's Support & Resources Page.
Write a function that takes the name of a file and makes a dictionary of the lines of the file.
make_dict(file_name, sep=': ')
: Takes a name of a file, file_name
and a delimiter sep
. The default value is ': '
. If a line of the file does not include sep
, the line should be ignored. Otherwise, for each line, the string preceding the delimiter sep
is the key, and the string after sep
is the value. Your function returns the dictionary.
For example, assuming these functions are in a file,
and run on a file containing names that start with 'A', contacts.txt:
contacts = cw1.make_dict('contacts.txt')
who = 'CS Department'
print(f'Contact info for {who} is {contacts[who]}.')
will print:
Contact info for CS Department is 10th Floor HN, x5213.
Another example with nick_names.txt:
nick_names = cw1.make_dict('nick_names.txt', sep = ' ')
names = ['Beth','Lisa','Meg','Greta','Amy','Mia']
for n in names:
print(f'Full name for {n} is {nick_names[n]}.')
will print:
Full name for Beth is Elizabeth.
Full name for Lisa is Elizabeth.
Full name for Meg is Margaret.
Full name for Greta is Margaret.
Full name for Amy is Amelia.
Full name for Mia is Amelia.
If you attended lecture, include the last three lines to the the introductory comment:
I attended lecture today.
If you did not attend lecture, do not include the above lines.
Classwork 2: Due 3pm, Wednesday, 1 February.
Available during Lecture 2 on Gradescope, this classwork asks that you write a program using Pandas and its file I/O. To get the most out of this exercise, bring a laptop with you to lecture with a development environment (IDE) that has Python 3.6+ to work through in lecture.
Write a program that asks the user for the name of an input CSV file and the name of an output CSV file. The program should open the file name provided by the user.
Next, the program should select rows where the field
Then a sample run of the program:
is equal to 3 and the Year
is equal to 2019 and write all rows that match that criteria to a new CSV file.
where the file Enter input file name: school-ela-results-2013-2019.csv
Enter output file name: ela2013.csv
is extracted from NYC Schools Test Results (and truncated version of roughly the first 1000 lines for testing). The first lines of the output file would be:
School,Name,Grade,Year,Category,Number Tested,Mean Scale Score,# Level 1,% Level 1,# Level 2,% Level 2,# Level 3,% Level 3,# Level 4,% Level 4,# Level 3+4,% Level 3+4
01M015,P.S. 015 ROBERTO CLEMENTE,3,2019,All Students,27,606,1,3.7,7,25.9,18,66.7,1,3.7,19,70.4
01M019, P.S. 019 ASHER LEVY,3,2019,All Students,24,606,0,0.0,8,33.3,15,62.5,1,4.2,16,66.7
01M020,P.S. 020 ANNA SILVER,3,2019,All Students,57,593,13,22.8,24,42.1,18,31.6,2,3.5,20,35.1
column contains a mixtures of numbers (e.g. 3) and strings ("All Grades"), the column is stored as strings.
If you attended lecture, include the last three lines to the the introductory comment:
I attended lecture today.
If you did not attend lecture, do not include the above lines.
Classwork 3: Due 3pm, Wednesday, 8 February.
Available during Lecture 3 on Gradescope, this classwork focuses on the structure and topics for the optional project, based on the project overview in lecture:
Classwork 4: Due 3pm, Wednesday, 15 February.
Available during Lecture 4 on Gradescope, this classwork focuses on hiring in the technical sector has been in the news recently and is inspired by Prof. Stevenson's recent analysis:
To get the most out of this exercise, bring a laptop with you to lecture with a development environment (IDE) that has Python 3.6+ to work through in lecture. Using the data set for the previous 5 years from St. Louis Federal Reserve Economic Data Data (FRED):
BLS Monthly Jobs Report: Rapid Insights from Betsey Stevenson
Fit a linear model to the data by:
where xes
and yes
. Call these sd_x
and sd_y
, of the xes
and yes
, as theta_1 = r*sd_y/sd_x
, as theta_0 = average(yes) - theta_1 * average(xes)
and theta_1
is the number of months from start of dataset, counting from 0 (i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3,...) and yes
is the USINFO
column of your dataset. The xes
can be generated by looping through the dataset or using the index as a column (e.g. df.index.to_series()
See Program 5 for more details on this dataset.
In Lecture 5 and Section 11.2, we used smoothing to visualize data. For this program, write a function that takes two arguments, an Numpy array of x-axis coordinates, and a list of numeric values, and returns the corresponding y-values for the sum of the gaussian probability distribution functions (pdf's) for each point in the list.
: This function takes a numpy array xes
and a list, points
, of numeric values. For each p
in points
, the function should compute the normal probability distribution function (scipy.norm.pdf
centered at loc = p
with standard deviation scale = 0.5
for all values in xes
. The return value is a numpy array of the sum of these at each point.
For example, calling the function:
xes = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)
density = computeSmoothing(xes,[5])
would give the plot:
since there is only one point given (namely 5), the returned value is the probability density function centered at 5 (with scale = 0.5
) computed for each of the xes
For example, calling the function:
pts = [2,2,5,5,2,3,4,6,7,9]
xes = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)
density = computeSmoothing(xes,pts)
would give the plot:
since the there are 10 points given, the function computes the probability density function centered at each of the points, across all the values in xes
. It then sums up these contributions and returns an array of the same length as xes
Note: you should submit a file with only the standard comments at the top, and this function. The grading scripts will then import the file for testing. If you attended lecture, include in the introductory comment the three lines detailed in Classwork 2.
Classwork 7: Due 2:30pm, Wednesday, 8 March.
Available during Lecture 7 on Gradescope, this classwork introduces the canonical digits dataset and uses sci-kit learn to build logistic regression models. To get the most out of this exercise, bring a laptop with you to lecture with a development environment (IDE) that has Python 3+ to work through in lecture.
This program uses the canonical MNIST dataset of hand-written digits and available in sklearn digits dataset:
Write a function that builds a logistic regression model that classifies binary digits:
For example, let's flatten the entries and restrict the dataset to just binary digits:
We can then use the restricted data and targets datasets as input to our function, assuming your function Another example with the same data, but different size for the data reserved for testing:
Note: you should submit a file with only the standard comments at the top, and this function. The grading scripts will then import the file for testing. If you attended lecture, include in the introductory comment the three lines detailed in Classwork 2. Classwork 8: Due 2:30pm, Wednesday, 15 March.
Available during Lecture 8 on Gradescope, this classwork recaps linear algebra. To get the most out of this exercise, bring a laptop with you to lecture with a development environment (IDE) that has Python 3+ to work through in lecture.
Classwork 9: Due 2:30pm, Wednesday, 22 March.
Available during Lecture 9 on Gradescope, this classwork is modeled on an analytic reasoning challenge of efficiently computing catchment areas (Voronoi diagrams) for NYC libraries. To get the most out of this exercise, bring a device with you that can access Gradescope's online assignments.
We introduced Principal Components Analysis and the number of components needed to capture the intrinistic dimension of the data set. For this program, write a function that allows the user to explore how many dimensions are needed to see the underlying structure of images from the sklearn digits dataset (inspired by Python Data Science Handbook: Section 5.9 (PCA)).
Write a function that approximates an image by summing up a fixed number of its components:
If we let
In a similar fashion, we can represent the image in terms of the axis,
For example, assuming the function is in
Note: you should submit a file with only the standard comments at the top, this function, and any helper functions you have written. The grading scripts will then import the file for testing.
The dataset has 1797 scans of hand-written digits.
Each entry has the digit represented (target
) as well as the 64 values representing the gray scale for the 8 x 8 image. The first 5 entries are:
The gray scales for the first 5 entries, flattened to one dimensional array:
[[ 0. 0. 5. 13. 9. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 13. 15. 10. 15. 5. 0. 0. 3. 15. 2. 0. 11. 8. 0. 0. 4. 12. 0. 0. 8. 8. 0. 0. 5. 8. 0. 0. 9. 8. 0. 0. 4. 11. 0. 1. 12. 7. 0. 0. 2. 14. 5. 10. 12. 0. 0. 0. 0. 6. 13. 10. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 12. 13. 5. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 11. 16. 9. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3. 15. 16. 6. 0. 0. 0. 7. 15. 16. 16. 2. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 16. 16. 3. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 16. 16. 6. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 16. 16. 6. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 11. 16. 10. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 4. 15. 12. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3. 16. 15. 14. 0. 0. 0. 0. 8. 13. 8. 16. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 6. 15. 11. 0. 0. 0. 1. 8. 13. 15. 1. 0. 0. 0. 9. 16. 16. 5. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3. 13. 16. 16. 11. 5. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3. 11. 16. 9. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 7. 15. 13. 1. 0. 0. 0. 8. 13. 6. 15. 4. 0. 0. 0. 2. 1. 13. 13. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2. 15. 11. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 12. 12. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 10. 8. 0. 0. 0. 8. 4. 5. 14. 9. 0. 0. 0. 7. 13. 13. 9. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 1. 11. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 7. 8. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 13. 6. 2. 2. 0. 0. 0. 7. 15. 0. 9. 8. 0. 0. 5. 16. 10. 0. 16. 6. 0. 0. 4. 15. 16. 13. 16. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3. 15. 10. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2. 16. 4. 0. 0.]]
To start, we will focus on entries that represent 0's and 1's. The first 10 from the dataset are displayed below:
def binary_digit_clf(data, target, test_size = 0.25, random_state = 21):
This function has four inputs:
The function returns the confusion matrix that results.
: a numpy array that
includes rows of equal size flattend arrays,
a numpy array that takes values 0 or 1 corresponding to the rows of data
: the size of the test set created when the data is divided into test and training sets with train_test_split. The default value is 0.25
: the random seed used when the data is divided into test and training sets with train_test_split. The default value is 21
which will print:
#Import datasets, classifiers and performance metrics:
from sklearn import datasets, svm, metrics
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
#Using the digits data set from sklearn:
from sklearn import datasets
digits = datasets.load_digits()
print(type(, type(
#flatten the images
n_samples = len(digits.images)
data = digits.images.reshape((n_samples, -1))
print(f'The targets for the first 5 entries: {[:5]}')
#Make a DataFrame with just the binary digits:
binaryDigits = [(d,t) for (d,t) in zip(data, if t <= 1]
bd,bt = zip(*binaryDigits)
print(f'The targets for the first 5 binary entries: {bt[:5]}')
[0 1 2 ... 8 9 8]
which will print:
confuse_mx = binary_digit_clf(bd,bt,test_size=0.95)
print(f'Confusion matrix:\n{confuse_mx}')
disp = metrics.ConfusionMatrixDisplay(confusion_matrix=confuse_mx)
#Use a different color map since the default is garish:
disp.plot(cmap = "Purples")
plt.title("Logistic Regression Classifier for Binary Digits")
and display:
Confusion matrix:
[[172 0]
[ 4 166]]
would print:
confuse_mx = binary_digit_clf(bd,bt)
print(f'Confusion matrix:\n{confuse_mx}')
Confusion matrix:
[[43 0]
[ 0 47]]
As discussed in Python Data Science Handbook: Section 5.9, we can view the images as sums of the components. For our
flattened images, we have 1D arrays of length 64. Here's the first one from the dataset:
approxDigits(numComponents, coefficients, mean, components):
This function has four inputs and returns an array containing the approximation:
The function returns the approximation image (flattened array) of the mean and sum of the first numComponents
: the number of componets used in the approximation. Expecting a value between 0 and 64.
: an array of coefficients, outputted from PCA().
: an array representing the mean of the dataset.
: an array of the components computed by PCA() analysis.
terms (i.e. coefficients[i] * components[i]
[[ 0. 0. 5. 13. 9. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 13. 15. 10. 15. 5. 0. 0. 3. 15. 2. 0. 11. 8. 0. 0. 4. 12. 0. 0. 8. 8. 0. 0. 5. 8. 0. 0. 9. 8. 0. 0. 4. 11. 0. 1. 12. 7. 0. 0. 2. 14. 5. 10. 12. 0. 0. 0. 0. 6. 13. 10. 0. 0. 0.]
x1 = [1 0 ... 0]
x2 = [0 1 0 ... 0]
, ...,
x64 = [0 ... 0 1]
(vectors corresponding to the axis), then we can write our images, im = [i1 i2 ... i64]
, as:
plugging in the values of im = x1*i1 + x2*i2 + ... + x64*i64
x1*0 + x2*0 + x3*5 + ... + x64*0
into the equation.
c1, c2, ... c64
, that the PCA analysis returns:
since the axis of PCA are chosen so that the first one captures the most variance, the second the next most, etc. The later axis capture very little variance and likely add litte to the image. (For technical reasons, we include the mean. The reason is similar to when we "center" multidimensional data at 0).
This can be very useful for reducing the dimension of the data set, for example, here is the first image from above on the left:
im = mean + c1*i1 + c2*i2 + ... + c64*i64
The next image is the overall mean, and each subsequent image is adding another component to the previous. For this particular scan, the mean plus its first component is enough to see that it's a 0.
and the appropriate libraries are loaded:
would show the mean and summed with the first 8 components for
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca = PCA()
Xproj = pca.fit_transform(
showDigit(pca.mean_, f"Mean for digits")
plt.imshow(pca.mean_.reshape(8,8),cmap='binary', interpolation='nearest',clim=(0, 16))
plt.title("Mean for digits")
approxAnswer = p46.approxDigits(8,Xproj[1068], pca.mean_, pca.components_)
plt.imshow(approxAnswer.reshape(8,8),cmap='binary', interpolation='nearest',clim=(0, 16))
plt.title("mean + 8 components for digits[1068]")
Classwork 10: Due 2:30pm, Wednesday, 29 March.
Available during Lecture 10 on Gradescope, this classwork builds intuition on k-means clusters and serves as a basis for Program 11. To get the most out of this exercise, bring a device with you that can access Gradescope's online assignments.
Data Sources: 911 System Calls (NYC OpenData)
Sample Datasets:
For this program, we are focusing on ambulance calls in New York City. Decreasing ambulance response times improves outcomes and strategic placement of ambulance stations and overall allocation has been shown an effective approach. For example, here are all the calls for ambulances on 4 July 2021 in Manhattan (using Folium/Leaflet to create an interactive map):
To decide on where to "pre-place" ambulances, we will use K-means clustering, where "K" is the number of ambulances available for that shift. For example, if there 2 ambulances available to be placed in Manhattan, we will look at previous ambulance calls for that shift and form 2 clusters and station each ambulance at the mean of the cluster. If two more ambulances become available, we can recompute the K-means algorithm for K=4, and place those 4 ambulances, each at the mean of the cluster found, and similarly for K=8:
The assignment is broken into the following functions to allow for unit testing:
This function takes one input:
: the name of a CSV file containing 911 System Calls from OpenData NYC.
as part of the TYP_DESC
are kept. The resulting DataFrame is returned.
compute_locations(df, num_clusters = 8, random_state = 2022)
This function takes three input:
: a DataFrame containing 911 System Calls from OpenData NYC.
: an integer representing the number of clusters. The default value is 8
: the random seed used for KMeans. The default value is 2022
on the latitude and longitude data of the provided DataFrame. Returns the cluster centers and predicted labels computed via the model.
For example, if we use the small dataset from 4 July 2021:
df = make_df('NYPD_Calls_Manhattan_4Jul2021.csv')
would print:
7 00:01:51 AMBULANCE CASE: CARDIAC/OUTSIDE 40.724578 -73.992519
27 00:06:12 AMBULANCE CASE: CARDIAC/INSIDE 40.807719 -73.964240
51 00:12:12 AMBULANCE CASE: SERIOUS/TRANSIT 40.732019 -74.000734
53 00:12:38 AMBULANCE CASE: EDP/INSIDE 40.789348 -73.947352
54 00:12:38 AMBULANCE CASE: EDP/INSIDE 40.789348 -73.947352
... ... ... ... ...
5175 23:50:02 AMBULANCE CASE: WATER RESCUE 40.711839 -74.011234
5176 23:50:02 AMBULANCE CASE: WATER RESCUE 40.711839 -74.011234
5205 23:57:11 AMBULANCE CASE: UNCONSCIOUS/TRANSIT 40.732019 -74.000734
5211 23:57:59 AMBULANCE CASE: EDP/INSIDE 40.827547 -73.937461
5212 23:57:59 AMBULANCE CASE: EDP/INSIDE 40.827547 -73.937461
[459 rows x 4 columns]
Note that the original CSV file had over 5000 lines, only 459 of those were for ambulances calls. The indices were not reset and refer to the line numbers of the original file.
We can make maps with the computed clusters. We use the compute_locations
function with different values of num_clusters
. Since we are repeating the same actions for K = 2, 4, 6
, we wrote a helper function to create the HTML maps:
def make_map(df, num_clusters, out_file):
centers,labels = compute_locations(df,num_clusters = num_clusters)
df_map = df[ ['Latitude','Longitude','INCIDENT_TIME','INCIDENT_MIN','TYP_DESC'] ]
df_map = df_map.assign(Labels = labels)
m = folium.Map(location=[40.7678,-73.9645],zoom_start=13,tiles="cartodbpositron")
df_map.apply( lambda row: folium.CircleMarker(location=[row["Latitude"], row["Longitude"]],
radius=5, popup=(row['INCIDENT_TIME']+": "+row['TYP_DESC']),
.add_to(m), axis=1)
for i in range(num_clusters):
x,y = centers[i]
folium.Marker(location=[x,y],popup = "Cluster "+str(i)).add_to(m)
Screenshots of the maps are displayed above.
Classwork 11: Due 2:30pm, Wednesday, 19 April.
Classwork 12: Due 2:30pm, Wednesday, 26 April.
Classwork 13: Due 2:30pm, Wednesday, 4 May.
Classwork 14: Due 2:30pm, Wednesday, 11 May.
Quiz 1: Syllabus Due midnight, Wednesday, 25 January.
Available on Gradescope, this quiz focuses on the course
Quiz 2: Core Python. Due 2:30pm, Thursday, 2 February.
Link to access HackerRank available at the end of lecture on 1 February (posted on Blackboard).
Quiz 3: Pandas Basics. Due 2:30pm, Thursday, 9 February.
Link to access HackerRank available at the end of lecture on 8 February (posted on Blackboard).
Quiz 4: Pandas. Due 2:30pm, Thursday, 16 February.
Link to access HackerRank available at the end of lecture on 15 February (posted on Blackboard).
Quiz 5: Imputing Values. Due 2:30pm, Thursday, 23 February.
Link to access HackerRank available at the end of lecture on 22 February (posted on Blackboard).
Quiz 6: Loss Functions & Linear Regression. Due 2:30pm, Thursday, 2 March.
Link to access HackerRank available at the end of lecture on 1 March (posted on Blackboard).
Quiz 7: Datetime. Due 2:30pm, Thursday, 9 March.
Link to access HackerRank available at the end of lecture on 8 March (posted on Blackboard).
Quiz 8: Fitting Models & Regularization. Due 2:30pm, Thursday, 16 March.
Link to access HackerRank available at the end of lecture on 15 March (posted on Blackboard).
Quiz 9: Feature Engineering & Categorical Encoding. Due 2:30pm, Thursday, 23 March.
Link to access HackerRank available at the end of lecture on 22 March (posted on Blackboard).
Quiz 10: Linear Separability & Classifiers. Due 2:30pm, Thursday, 30 March.
Link to access HackerRank available at the end of lecture on 29 March (posted on Blackboard).
Quiz 11: Dimensionality Reduction. Due 2:30pm, Thursday, 20 April.
Link to access HackerRank available at the end of lecture on 19 April (posted on Blackboard).
Quiz 12: Clustering. Due 2:30pm, Thursday, 27 April.
Link to access HackerRank available at the end of lecture on 26 April (posted on Blackboard).
Quiz 13: Regular Expressions. Due 2:30pm, Thursday, 5 May.
Link to access HackerRank available at the end of lecture on 3 May (posted on Blackboard).
Quiz 14: End-of-Semester Survey. Due 2:30pm, Thursday, 12 May.
Available on Blackboard at the end of lecture on 10 May.
Program 1: Turnstile Counts. Due 10am, Wednesday, 1 February.
Program 2: Tree Census. Due 10am, Wednesday, 8 February.
Program 3: Trees & Neighborhoods. Due 10am, Wednesday, 15 February.
Program 4: City Dogs. Due 10am, Wednesday, 22 February.
Program 5: Tech Jobs. Due 10am, Wednesday, 1 March.
Program 6: Taxi Tips. Due 10am, Wednesday, 8 March.
Program 7: Commodity Pricing. Due 10am, Wednesday, 15 March.
Program 8: Ticket Predictor. Due 10am, Wednesday, 22 March.
Program 9: State Migration Flow Due 10am, Wednesday, Program 11: EMS Stations. Due 10am, Wednesday, 26 April.
Program 12: Patterns & Testing. Due 10am, Wednesday, 4 May.
Program 13: Github Activity. Due 10am, Wednesday, 10 May.
The grade for the project is a combination of grades earned on the milestones (e.g. deadlines during the semester to keep the projects on track) and the overall submitted program. If you choose not to complete the project, your final exam grade will replace its portion of the overall grade.
Unless otherwise noted, quizzes focus on the corresponding programming assignment. The quizzes are 30 minutes long and cannot be repeated. They are available for the 24 hours after lecture and are used to assess your programming skill. Access information for each quiz will be available under the Quizzes menu on Blackboard.
Gradescope invitations are sent out Monday, 23 January 2023. If you do not have access to the course on Gradescope, write to
. Include in your email that you did not receive a Gradescope invitation, your preferred email, and EmpID. We will manually generate an invitation.
This first coding challenge focuses on dictionaries and string functions of core Python 3.6+ as in Program 1.
This quiz using Pandas and focuses on manipulating and creating new columns in DataFrames as in Program 2.
This is the quiz focuses on boolean selection in Pandas as in Program 3.
This quiz focuses on imputing values in Pandas as in Program 4.
This quiz focuses on computing errors with loss functions and computing linear regression directly as in Program 3 and
Program 5.
This quiz focuses on working with datetime in Python as in Program 4, Program 5, and Program 6.
This quiz focuses on regularization and fitting models as in Lecture 6 and Program 7.
This quiz focuses on categorical encoding and feature engineering as Lecture 4, 5, and 6 and in Program 8.
This quiz focuses on logistic regression and classifiers as in Lectures 8 and 9, Classwork 9 and Program 9.
This quiz focuses on instrinsic dimensions and dimensionality reduction techniques as in Lecture 10 and Program 10.
This quiz focuses on clustering techniques in Python as in Program 11.
This quiz focuses on regular expressions as in Program 12.
This quiz is an end-of semester survey.
Unless otherwise noted, homework programs are submitted on the course's Gradescope site and are written in Python. The autograders expect a .py
file and do not accept iPython notebooks.
Also, to receive full credit, the code should be compatible with Python 3.6 (the default for the Gradescope autograders).
Learning Objective: to build competency with core Python dictionaries and string function.
Learning Objective: to refresh students' knowledge of Pandas' functionality to manipulate and create columns from formatted data.
Learning Objective: to enhance data cleaning skills from reading in raw data, formatting data, and imputing values.
Learning Objective: to enhance data cleaning skills from reading in raw data, formatting data, and imputing values, and to evaluate models using loss functions.
Learning Objective: to enhance on statistical skills and understanding via computation linear regression and loss functions.
Learning Objective: to give students practice on implementing model from start to finish and to strengthen understanding of model drift.
Learning Objective: to build models with polynomial features and use regularization techniques to better fit models.
Learning Objective: to train and validate different models for classifying data.
29 March 19 April.
Learning Objective: to increase facility with standard linear algebra approaches for modeling data.
Program 10: College Degrees. Due 10am, Wednesday, 19 April.
Learning Objective: to use principal components analysis to determine intrinsic dimensionality.
Learning Objective: to enhance data cleaning skills and build understanding of clustering algorithms.
Learning Objective: to enhance data cleaning skills using regular expressions.
Learning Objective: To reinforce new SQL skills to query and aggregate data.
Available Libraries: pandas, pandasql, and core Python 3.6+.
A final project is optional for this course.
Projects should synthesize the skills acquired in the course to analyze and visualize data on a topic of your choosing. It is your chance to demonstrate what you have learned, your creativity, and a project that you are passionate about. The intended audience for your project is your classmates as well as tech recruiters and potential employers.
The project is broken down into smaller pieces that must be submitted by the deadlines below. For details of each milestone, see the links. The project is worth 20% of the final grade. The point breakdown is listed as well as the submission windows and deadlines. All components of the project are submitted via Gradescope unless other noted.
Deadline: | Deliverables: | Points: | Submission Window Opens: |
Wed, March 1, 2023 | Opt-In | Wed, February 22, 2023 | |
Sun, March 12, 2023 | Proposal | 50 | Wed, March 1, 2023 |
Wed, March 29, 2023 | Interim Check-In | 25 | Wed, March 22, 2023 |
Fri, May 5, 2023 | Complete Project & Website | 100 | Wed, March 22, 2023 |
Fri, May 5, 2023 | Project Demonstration | 25 | Wed, March 22, 2023 |
Total Points: | 200 |
(50 points)
The window for submitting proposals opens 1 March. If you would like feedback and the opportunity to resubmit for a higher grade, submit early in the window. Feel free to re-submit as many times as you like, up until the assignment deadline. The instructing team will work hard to give feedback on your submission as quickly as possible, and we will grade them in the order they were received.
The proposal is split into the following sections:
The following questions will guide you through some criteria you should be using to assess if the data you have is enough for a successful project.
Hint: Look ahead in the textbook at the chapters on "Linear Modeling" and "Multiple Linear Modeling" for the running examples of models.
Thus, a major part of this final project will center around making the following three types of visualizations with the data you choose. If your data cannot support all three types of visualizations, then please, reconsider choosing another dataset.
(25 points)
The interim check-in is submitted via Gradescope and contains:
(100 points)
Submission Instructions:
For example, for the student, Thomas Hunter, the opening comment of his project might be:
Name: Thomas Hunter
Resources: Used as a reminder of Python 3 print statements.
Title: My project
and then followed by the rest of the Python scripts.
The Gradescope Autograder will check for the Python file and that includes the title, the resources, and the URL of your website. After the submission deadline, the code and the website will be graded manually for code quality and data science inference.
For manual grading of the project, we are grading for the following:
(25 points)
For the last part of the project, we would like to you to prepare a lightning demo. This composes of two parts:
The final exam has two parts:
For those who requested special accommodations:
Exam Rules:
Preparing: The exam covers the material covered in lecture and classwork, programming assignments and quizzes, as well as the reading. The coding exam follows the same style as the quizzes. To prepare:
Exam Rules:
Format and Preparing: