CSci 39542 Syllabus    Resources    Coursework

Program 2: Trees Census
CSci 39542: Introduction to Data Science
Department of Computer Science
Hunter College, City University of New York
Spring 2023

Classwork    Quizzes    Homework    Project   

Program Description

Program 2: Tree Census.Due 10am, Wednesday, 9 February.
Learning Objective: to refresh students' knowledge of Pandas' functionality to manipulate and create columns from formatted data.
Available Libraries: Pandas and core Python 3.6+.
Data Sources:
The New York City Street TreesCount Project

Sample Datasets:

Note on data access: The data for this program comes from the NYC OpenData initiative which gives free access to public data published by New York City agencies. If you have not used NYC OpenData before, see the How To page. Access to the data is free, but some functionality (such as multiple direct requests in very short amount of time might require a login). The examples below demonstrate using the data using the Socrata Open Data API (SODA) which allows you to pull data directly from the public repository (more details at Getting Started with SODA Consumer API) as well as reading from the CSV files that have already been downloaded to your computer or repo.

The New York City Street Tree Map

Every ten years, New York City does a census of all street trees in the city. The most recent survey in 2015 mapped over 666,000 trees and included the location, size, species, and health of the trees. Similar data was collected each year but was stored slightly differently, most notably: some of the column names differ form 1995 to 2005 to 2015.

The first task of this program is to write a function that will drop extraneous columns and rename column names so that they are the same, simplifying the subsequent functions and analysis.

The remaining functions filter the data and compute the number of trees in an area of differing granuality, (e.g. from boroughs and zip codes down to Neighborhood Tabulation Areas (NTA)-- see Program 3 for more on NTA's).

Your program should have the following functions:

Let's run through some testing code to check if your program is written correctly.

For example, to open the 2015 dataset, let's use the SODA API to directly pull the data. We can also download the file, but since it has about a half million records, it is quite large (220MB), so, working with just the first 10,000 lines:

url = '$limit=10000'
data = pd.read_json(url)
will print:
      tree_id  block_id created_at  tree_dbh  stump_diam  ...         y_sp council_district census_tract        bin           bbl
0      180683    348711 2015-08-27         3           0  ...  202756.7687             29.0        739.0  4052307.0  4.022210e+09
1      200540    315986 2015-09-03        21           0  ...  228644.8374             19.0        973.0  4101931.0  4.044750e+09
2      204026    218365 2015-09-05         3           0  ...  200716.8913             34.0        449.0  3338310.0  3.028870e+09
3      204337    217969 2015-09-05        10           0  ...  199244.2531             34.0        449.0  3338342.0  3.029250e+09
4      189565    223043 2015-08-30        21           0  ...  182202.4260             39.0        165.0  3025654.0  3.010850e+09
...       ...       ...        ...       ...         ...  ...          ...              ...          ...        ...           ...
9995   213226    107016 2015-09-10         3           0  ...  227105.0006              6.0        175.0  1033301.0  1.012360e+09
9996   207273    222814 2015-09-06        16           0  ...  196176.2566             37.0        443.0  3074614.0  3.032720e+09
9997   207274    222814 2015-09-06        11           0  ...  196116.3506             37.0        443.0  3074610.0  3.032720e+09
9998   208443    225537 2015-09-07         6           0  ...  180013.4704             38.0        149.0  3016810.0  3.008750e+09
9999   195808    105937 2015-09-01        11           0  ...  215863.8898              5.0      10601.0  1078278.0  1.013700e+09

[10000 rows x 45 columns]
Note that the default only pulls the first 1000 lines. We have increased the limit to 10,000. See Getting Started with SODA API for more details.

Let's test the clean_df() function with the first 10,000 entries of the 2015 data:

df = clean_df(data)
print(f'The new columns are: {df.columns}.')
will print:
The new columns are: Index(['tree_dbh', 'health', 'spc_latin', 'spc_common', 'address', 'zipcode',
  'boroname', 'nta', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'council_district',

Next, let's use the first 1000 entries (default is 1000 entries if limit is not specified) of the 2005 Tree Census:

url05 = ''
data05= pd.read_json(url05)
df05 = clean_df(data05, year = 2005)
print(f'The new columns are: {df05.columns}.')
will print:
The new columns are: Index(['tree_dbh', 'health', 'spc_latin', 'spc_common', 'address', 'zipcode',
  'boroname', 'nta', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'council_district',

Similarly, for the first 1000 entries of the 1995 Tree Census:

url95 = ''
data95= pd.read_json(url95)
df95 = clean_df(data95, year = 1995)
will print:
     tree_dbh     health              spc_latin            spc_common        address  zipcode   boroname   nta   latitude  longitude  council_district  census_tract
  0           8    Unknown    PLATANUS ACERIFOLIA      LONDON PLANETREE    245 E 17 ST    10003  Manhattan  MN21  40.734551 -73.984235               2.0            48
  1           7       Good       ACER PLATANOIDES         MAPLE, NORWAY  80 N MOORE ST    10013  Manhattan  MN24  40.720159 -74.010532               1.0            39
  2           6       Good       ACER PLATANOIDES         MAPLE, NORWAY  80 N MOORE ST    10013  Manhattan  MN24  40.720159 -74.010532               1.0            39
  3           7  Excellent       ACER PLATANOIDES         MAPLE, NORWAY  80 N MOORE ST    10013  Manhattan  MN24  40.720159 -74.010532               1.0            39
  4           6       Good       ACER PLATANOIDES         MAPLE, NORWAY  80 N MOORE ST    10013  Manhattan  MN24  40.720159 -74.010532               1.0            39
  ..        ...        ...                    ...                   ...            ...      ...        ...   ...        ...        ...               ...           ...
  995         4       Good    AILANTHUS ALTISSIMA        TREE OF HEAVEN    342 E 13 ST    10003  Manhattan  MN22  40.731228 -73.984424               2.0            40
  996         9       Good       SOPHORA JAPONICA  JAPANESE PAGODA TREE   21 SPRING ST    10003  Manhattan  MN24  40.721486 -73.995137               1.0            43
  997         3       Good             CORNUS MAS     CHERRY, CORNELIAN    344 E 13 ST    10003  Manhattan  MN22  40.731209 -73.984378               2.0            40
  998        10       Poor       SOPHORA JAPONICA  JAPANESE PAGODA TREE   21 SPRING ST    10003  Manhattan  MN24  40.721486 -73.995137               1.0            43
  999         1       Poor  GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS           HONEYLOCUST    339 E 13 ST    10003  Manhattan  MN22  40.731268 -73.984518               2.0            40
  [1000 rows x 12 columns]

Continuing with our 2015 dataset, let's filter by health and compute the percentage of healthy trees:

df_h = filter_health(df, ['Fair','Good', 'Excellent'])
healthy = 100*len(df_h)/len(df)
print(f"In 2015, {healthy}% trees were healthy.")
will print:
In 2015, 88.54% trees were healthy.

Adding a new column using add_indicator()

print(f'First tree has indicator {add_indicator(df.iloc[0])}'
df['Mature Trees'] = df.apply(add_indicator, axis=1)
print(f"New column:\n {df['Mature Trees']}")
will print:
First tree has indicator 0   
  New column:
    0       0
    1       1
    2       0
    3       0
    4       1
    9995    0
    9996    1
    9997    1
    9998    0
    9999    1
    Name: Mature Trees, Length: 10000, dtype: int64

Using the find_trees(), we can locate all the American elm trees in the 2015 sample:

print('American elm trees in our 2015 sample:')
print(find_trees(df, "Ulmus americana"))
will print:
American elm trees in our 2015 sample:
    ['75 FEATHERBED LANE', '1840 GRAND CONCOURSE', '13 WEST 61 STREET', '15 WEST 81 STREET', '475 RIVERSIDE DRIVE', '70 EAST 183 STREET', '1936 ANTHONY AVENUE', '110-022 COLONIAL AVENUE', '87-019 162 AVENUE', '415 RIVERSIDE DRIVE', '315 LEXINGTON AVENUE', '408 COLUMBUS AVENUE', '13 WEST 61 STREET', '485 OCEAN AVENUE', '515 OCEAN AVENUE', '127 EAST 38 STREET', '520 4 STREET', '505 OCEAN AVENUE', '220 CARLTON AVENUE', '21 HETT AVENUE', '133 PITT STREET', '34 DOVER STREET', '128 PITT STREET', '116-003 85 AVENUE', '499 OCEAN AVENUE', '1 WEST 81 STREET', '316 WEST 95 STREET', '135 WOLVERINE STREET', '318 WEST 90 STREET', '315 LEXINGTON AVENUE', '156 EAST 100 STREET', '51 WEST 81 STREET', '520 4 STREET', '97-033 DREW STREET', '33 HETT AVENUE', '49 8 AVENUE', '1 WEST 81 STREET', '4201 9 AVENUE', '471 OCEAN AVENUE', '1 WEST 85 STREET', '1 DUNHAM PLACE', '248 COURT STREET', '51 WEST 81 STREET', '1 WEST 81 STREET', '305 PARK AVENUE', '116-002 85 AVENUE', '1940 ADAM C POWELL BOULEVARD', '471 OCEAN AVENUE', '11 WEST 81 STREET', '4201 9 AVENUE', '1660 DEKALB AVENUE', '1332 METROPOLITAN AVENUE', '646 39 STREET', '70 WEST 93 STREET', '211-007 82 AVENUE', '305 PARK AVENUE', '50-062 45 STREET', '54-002 32 AVENUE', '277 WEST 4 STREET', '55 MONTGOMERY PLACE', '170 RIVERSIDE DRIVE', '31-021 90 STREET', '1681 DEKALB AVENUE', '30 FINLEY AVENUE', '4301 9 AVENUE', '31-033 90 STREET', '1 LEWIS AVENUE', '300 WEST 115 STREET', '328 WEST 115 STREET', '34 FINLEY AVENUE']

The function count_by_area() can be called with different granularities of areas. For example, here is the number of trees by borough (boroname) and by neighborhood (NTA):

print('In 2015, the number of trees by borough')
print('In 2015, the number of trees by NTA')
print(count_by_area(df, area = 'nta'))
will print:
In 2015, the number of trees by borough
Bronx             889
Brooklyn         2930
Manhattan        1812
Queens           3262
Staten Island    1107
dtype: int64

In 2015, the number of trees by NTA
BK09      3
BK17     49
BK19     24
BK21     21
BK23      7
SI36     57
SI37     12
SI45    155
SI48    131
SI54     70
Name: nta, Length: 179, dtype: int64
