CSci 39542 Syllabus    Resources    Coursework

Program 5: Tech Jobs.
CSci 39542: Introduction to Data Science
Department of Computer Science
Hunter College, City University of New York
Spring 2023

Classwork    Quizzes    Homework    Project   

Program Description

Program 5: Tech Jobs.Due 10am, Wednesday, 1 March.
Learning Objective: to build intuition and strengthen competency with least squares method of minimizing functions.
Available Libraries: pandas, numpy, and core Python 3.6+.
Data Source:
St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank Online Data (FRED), U Michigan BLS Monthly Job Reports Rapid Insights, November 2022
Sample Datasets:

Hiring in the technical sector has been in the news recently. This program looks at the data related to information services in the United States and is inspired by Prof. Stevenson's recent analysis:

BLS Monthly Jobs Report: Rapid Insights from Betsey Stevenson

The graph above was generated in early December and includes data through November 2022. We will use data sets that include through the end of 2022 from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED). The assignment is broken into the following functions to allow for unit testing:

Let's start with the 2022 numbers:

df_1yr = pd.read_csv('program05/fred_info_2022_1yr.csv')
df_1yr = parse_datetime(df_1yr)
would print:
          DATE  USINFO  timestamp  month  year
0   2021-12-01    2913 2021-12-01     12  2021
1   2022-01-01    2918 2022-01-01      1  2022
2   2022-02-01    2918 2022-02-01      2  2022
3   2022-03-01    2936 2022-03-01      3  2022
4   2022-04-01    2957 2022-04-01      4  2022
5   2022-05-01    2983 2022-05-01      5  2022
6   2022-06-01    3009 2022-06-01      6  2022
7   2022-07-01    3025 2022-07-01      7  2022
8   2022-08-01    3032 2022-08-01      8  2022
9   2022-09-01    3040 2022-09-01      9  2022
10  2022-10-01    3044 2022-10-01     10  2022
11  2022-11-01    3066 2022-11-01     11  2022
12  2022-12-01    3061 2022-12-01     12  2022
Note that the columns DATE and timestamp are printed the same, but if we check the types, they are stored as strings and datetime, respectively:
print(f'df_1yr has elements of:\n {df_1yr.dtypes}')
which prints:
df_1yr has elements of:
DATE                 object
USINFO                int64
timestamp    datetime64[ns]
month                 int64
year                  int64 

Exploring the 2022 job numbers:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sns.lineplot(data = df_1yr, x = 'month', y='USINFO')
plt.ylabel('Number of Jobs')
plt.title('Information Services Employment, 2022')
The additional data from December shows a drop-off:

Let's fit a regression line to the 2022 numbers:

theta_0, theta_1 = compute_lin_reg(df_1yr['month'],df_1yr['USINFO'])
xes = np.array([0,12])
yes = theta_1*xes + theta_0
sns.lineplot(data = df_1yr, x = 'month', y='USINFO')
plt.ylabel("Number of Jobs, in 1000's")
plt.title(f'Regression line with m = {theta_1:.2f} and y-intercept = {theta_0:.2f}')    
would give the plot:

We can also use the theta values to estimate future values. For example, since if we were to extend our count of months into 2023, we can compute the predicted number of jobs:

months_2023 = np.array([13,14,15,16,17])
which would print:
[3052279.02790279 3062122.41224122 3071965.79657966 3081809.18091809
showing 3,052,280 jobs in January and gaining an additional 40,000 jobs by May 2023.

We can repeat our calculations using data from the last 5 years, but since we have more than 1 year, we can't use the month as our x-axis. Instead, we can use the index:

df_5yr = pd.read_csv('program05/fred_info_2022_5yr.csv')
df_5yr = parse_datetime(df_5yr)
which will print:
          DATE  USINFO  timestamp  month  year
0   2012-12-01    2675 2012-12-01     12  2012
1   2013-01-01    2661 2013-01-01      1  2013
2   2013-02-01    2699 2013-02-01      2  2013
3   2013-03-01    2699 2013-03-01      3  2013
4   2013-04-01    2696 2013-04-01      4  2013
5   2013-05-01    2711 2013-05-01      5  2013
6   2013-06-01    2707 2013-06-01      6  2013
7   2013-07-01    2720 2013-07-01      7  2013
8   2013-08-01    2690 2013-08-01      8  2013
9   2013-09-01    2707 2013-09-01      9  2013
10  2013-10-01    2719 2013-10-01     10  2013
11  2013-11-01    2724 2013-11-01     11  2013
12  2013-12-01    2726 2013-12-01     12  2013
13  2014-01-01    2721 2014-01-01      1  2014
14  2014-02-01    2719 2014-02-01      2  2014
15  2014-03-01    2725 2014-03-01      3  2014
16  2014-04-01    2722 2014-04-01      4  2014
17  2014-05-01    2719 2014-05-01      5  2014
18  2014-06-01    2725 2014-06-01      6  2014
19  2014-07-01    2724 2014-07-01      7  2014
20  2014-08-01    2731 2014-08-01      8  2014
21  2014-09-01    2732 2014-09-01      9  2014
22  2014-10-01    2726 2014-10-01     10  2014
23  2014-11-01    2735 2014-11-01     11  2014
24  2014-12-01    2735 2014-12-01     12  2014
25  2015-01-01    2738 2015-01-01      1  2015
26  2015-02-01    2742 2015-02-01      2  2015
27  2015-03-01    2737 2015-03-01      3  2015
28  2015-04-01    2741 2015-04-01      4  2015
29  2015-05-01    2749 2015-05-01      5  2015
0        0
1        1
2        2
3        3
4        4
116    116
117    117
118    118
119    119
120    120
Length: 121, dtype: int64
Using the index for the x values:
theta_0, theta_1 = compute_lin_reg(df_5yr.index.to_series(),df_5yr['USINFO'])
print(theta_0, theta_1)
df_5yr['predicted'] = theta_1*df_5yr.index.to_series() + theta_0
sns.lineplot(data = df_5yr, x = 'timestamp', y='USINFO')
sns.lineplot(data = df_5yr, x = 'timestamp', y='predicted')
plt.ylabel("Number of Jobs, in 1000's")
plt.title(f'Regression line with m = {theta_1:.2f} and y-intercept = {theta_0:.2f}')
would give the plot:

Using seaborn's functionality with time series data, we can look at year-to-date growth of jobs for the last ten years, highlighting 2022 in blue:

df_all = pd.read_csv('program05/fred_info_2022_all.csv')
df_all = parse_datetime(df_all)
df_all['YTD'] = compute_ytd(df_all)

sns.lineplot(data=df_all[-120:], x = 'month', y='YTD', units='year',\
            estimator=None, color=".7", linewidth=1)
sns.lineplot(data=df_all[-12:], x = 'month', y='YTD', linewidth=2)
plt.ylabel("Year To Date, in 1000's")
plt.title('Year To Date, 2013-2022')   

Looking at the change, measured against previous year:

df_all['YTD'] = compute_ytd(df_all)
df_all['year_over_year'] = compute_year_over_year(df_all)
plt.ylabel('% Change Year Over Year')
plt.title('Percent Change in Information Services Employment')
we see slowing, but continued growth:

Notes and Hints: