CSci 39542 Syllabus    Resources    Coursework

Program 3: Trees & Neighborhoods
CSci 39542: Introduction to Data Science
Department of Computer Science
Hunter College, City University of New York
Spring 2023

Classwork    Quizzes    Homework    Project   

Program Description

Program 3: Trees & Neighborhoods.Due 10am, Wednesday, 15 February.
Learning Objective: to successfully filter formatted data using standard Pandas operations for selecting and joining data and evaluate simple (constant) models using loss functions.
Available Libraries: Pandas and core Python 3.6+.
Data Sources:
The New York City Street TreesCount Project, Neigborhood Tabulation Areas.

Sample Datasets:

Is there a neighborhood in New York City with more trees than people?

In Program 2 we looked at the number of trees that The New York City Street TreesCount Project counted by areas of differing levels of granuality: from boroughs to zipcodes to council districts to neighborhood tabulation areas. New York City Neighborhood Tabulation Areas (NTAs) are areas in the city that roughly corresponding to neighborhoods. Each has an assigned code and name with non-residential areas such as large parks or airports having the borough code followed by '99'. For example, the neighborhood for Hunter College 69th Street Campus has the code 'MN40' and the name 'Upper East Side-Carnegie Hill'. Adjacent, Central Park is assigned the non-residential code for Manhattan: 'MN99' and name 'park-cemetery-etc-Manhattan'.

This programming assignment focuses on the number of trees per capita in each neighborhood. Following Chapter 4, we will also compute summary statistics by neighborhood (e.g. the mean and median) and evaluate how well they model the tree population using two common loss functions.

The assignment is broken into the following functions to allow for unit testing:

Let's run through some testing code to check if your program is written correctly.

For example, let's set up a DataFrame using the Tree Census restricted to Staten Island:

df_si = pd.read_csv('trees_si_2015.csv')
df_si = clean_df(df_si)
will print:
        tree_dbh health                           spc_latin        spc_common   nta   latitude  longitude
0              6   Good  Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis       honeylocust  SI14  40.596579 -74.076255
1             13   Fair               Platanus x acerifolia  London planetree  SI54  40.557103 -74.162670
2              9   Good                 Acer pseudoplatanus    sycamore maple  SI25  40.568821 -74.138563
3              4   Good  Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis       honeylocust  SI36  40.588107 -74.086678
4             12   Fair               Platanus x acerifolia  London planetree  SI25  40.568825 -74.139062
...          ...    ...                                 ...               ...   ...        ...        ...
105313         8   Fair                    Pyrus calleryana      Callery pear  SI01  40.526324 -74.165559
105314         9   Good                              Prunus            cherry  SI01  40.555569 -74.170760
105315         7   Fair                              Prunus            cherry  SI36  40.583082 -74.085256
105316         1   Good                               Malus        crab apple  SI05  40.595459 -74.184460
105317        12   Good                         Acer rubrum         red maple  SI07  40.620762 -74.136517

[105318 rows x 7 columns]
There are 105,318 trees recorded on Staten Island, and we have kept their diameter, health, species, NTA, and latitude and longitude.

Next, we'll make a DataFrame with the demographic information organized by neighborhood:

nta_df = make_nta_df('Census_Demographics_NTA.csv')
will print:
    nta_code                         nta_name  population
0       BX01               Claremont-Bathgate     31078.0
1       BX03  Eastchester-Edenwald-Baychester     34517.0
2       BX05       Bedford Park-Fordham North     54415.0
3       BX06                          Belmont     27378.0
4       BX07                        Bronxdale     35538.0
..       ...                              ...         ...
192     SI48                    Arden Heights     25238.0
193     SI54                      Great Kills     40720.0
194     SI99  park-cemetery-etc-Staten Island         0.0

[195 rows x 3 columns]

Using the counts_by_area function:

df_si_counts = count_by_area(df_si)
will print a row for each neighborhood in Staten Island:
     nta  num_trees
0   SI01      12969
1   SI05       8446
2   SI07       4954
3   SI08       2505
4   SI11       8216
5   SI12       3776
6   SI14       2133
7   SI22       3970
8   SI24       4823
9   SI25       5675
10  SI28       3084
11  SI32       9251
12  SI35       3539
13  SI36       4952
14  SI37       3840
15  SI45       5452
16  SI48       6999
17  SI54      10734

Combining the two DataFrames:

df = neighborhood_trees(df_si_counts, nta_df)
will print:
     nta  num_trees                                           nta_name  population  trees_per_capita
  0   SI01      12969         Annadale-Huguenot-Prince's Bay-Eltingville       27770          0.467015
  1   SI05       8446                  New Springville-Bloomfield-Travis       39597          0.213299
  2   SI07       4954                                        Westerleigh       24102          0.205543
  3   SI08       2505                      Grymes Hill-Clifton-Fox Hills       22460          0.111532
  4   SI11       8216             Charleston-Richmond Valley-Tottenville       23313          0.352421
  5   SI12       3776  Mariner's Harbor-Arlington-Port Ivory-Granitev...       31474          0.119972
  6   SI14       2133                    Grasmere-Arrochar-Ft. Wadsworth       16079          0.132658
  7   SI22       3970          West New Brighton-New Brighton-St. George       33551          0.118327
  8   SI24       4823  Todt Hill-Emersn Hill-Heartland Villg-Lighthse...       30714          0.157029
  9   SI25       5675                              Oakwood-Oakwood Beach       22049          0.257381
  10  SI28       3084                                      Port Richmond       20191          0.152741
  11  SI32       9251                                  Rossville-Woodrow       20763          0.445552
  12  SI35       3539                           New Brighton-Silver Lake       17525          0.201940
  13  SI36       4952                  Old Town-Dongan Hills-South Beach       24835          0.199396
  14  SI37       3840                                 Stapleton-Rosebank       26453          0.145163
  15  SI45       5452                             New Dorp-Midland Beach       21896          0.248995
  16  SI48       6999                                      Arden Heights       25238          0.277320
  17  SI54      10734                                        Great Kills       40720          0.263605
Note that there are only entries for neighborhoods in the DataFrames of trees and that neighborhoods for which there is no tree count information are dropped from the table. Also, a new column with the per capita tree count is part of the resulting DataFrame.

Plotting the results:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
sns.histplot(df['trees_per_capita'], bins=5)
would give the plot:

We can summary statistics for trees per capita on Staten Island:

si_mu, si_med = compute_summary_stats(df, 'trees_per_capita')
print(f'For the Staten Island tree counts, mean = {si_mu}, median = {si_med}.')
The first couple of rows are:
For the Staten Island tree counts, mean = 0.22610502138533586, median = 0.20374159702387062.

When using Mean Squared Loss:

print(f'For MSE, mean has loss of {mse_loss(si_mu,df["trees_per_capita"])} and median has loss of {mse_loss(si_med,df["trees_per_capita"])}.')
we have:
For MSE, mean has loss of 0.01061171643360503 and median has loss of 0.011111839182776008.

When using Mean Absolute Loss:

print(f'For MAE, mean has loss of {mae_loss(si_mu,df["trees_per_capita"])} and median has loss of {mae_loss(si_med,df["trees_per_capita"])}.')
we have:
For MAE, mean has loss of 0.08106163936390469 and median has loss of 0.07735408969524642.

What we've built are constant models, models that summarize all of the data by a single value. Based on our choice of loss function, we get a different minimizing value. By choosing to minimize MSE (mean squared error), calculating a model using the mean will minimize the error. Likewise, if we choose to minimize the MAE (averabe absolute error), then a constant model using the median will perform better.

What we have built here is a tester function, not unlike the ones used to grade assignments in Gradescope Autograder. To test if our test function is working as expected, try the following:

print(f'Testing mse_loss:  {test_mse(mse_loss)}')
print(f'Testing mae_loss:  {test_mse(mae_loss)}')
will print:
Testing mse_loss:  True
Testing mae_loss:  False
