CSci 39542 Syllabus    Resources    Coursework    FAQ

CSci 39542: Introduction to Data Science
Department of Computer Science
Hunter College, City University of New York
Fall 2023

Classwork     Midterm Exam     Programming Assignments     Project     Final Exam    

All students registered by Wednesday, 23 August are sent a Gradescope registration invitation to the email on record on their Blackboard account. If you did not receive the email or would like to use a different account, write to Include in your email that you not receive a Gradescope invitation, your preferred email, and your EmpID. We will manually generate an invitation. As a default, we use your name as it appears in Blackboard/CUNYFirst (to update CUNYFirst, see changing your personal information). If you prefer a different name for Gradescope, include it, and we will update the Gradescope registration.


Unless otherwise noted, classwork is submitted via Gradescope. Access information is given during the corresponding lecture. To get the most out of lecture, bring a device with you to lecture with a development environment (IDE) that has Python 3+ (preferrably the same that you plan to use for technical interviews).
Note: Hunter College is committed to all students having the technology needed for their courses. If you are in need of technology, see Student Life's Support & Resources Page.

If you attended class that day, there is an option to earn 0.5 points for attendance for each part of lecture. and space to include the row and seat number. If you were not able to attend a given lecture, you can still work through the classwork at home and we will replace the fractional point for that classwork with the grade you earned on the final exam.

Do not say you were in the room if you did not attend. Lying about attendance obtains an unfair advantage and will be submitted to the Office of Student Conduct. It is not worth 0.5 points (that would have been replaced anyway by your final exam score) for a record of academic dishonesty that is kept by both the department and college. The suggested sanction for lying is a 0 on this classwork and the loss of the replacement policy for missed lecture grades. Note: while we suggest a sanction, the final decision about the severity of the sanction is by the Office of Student Conduct.

For example:

df = pd.read_csv(directory+'fred_info_2010_aug_2023.csv')
mod_pkl = fit_linear_regression(df)
januarys = pd.DataFrame({'index' : list(range(120,240,12))})
predictions = predict(mod_pkl,januarys)
print(f'The predicted employments by years:')
results = zip(list(range(2020,2030)),predictions)
for year,pred in results:
    print(f'January {year}: \t {int(pred*1000):,}')
gives the model's predictions for employment from 2020 to 2030:

The predicted employments by years:
January 2020:    2,879,867
January 2021:    2,905,173
January 2022:    2,930,480
January 2023:    2,955,786
January 2024:    2,981,092
January 2025:    3,006,398
January 2026:    3,031,705
January 2027:    3,057,011
January 2028:    3,082,317
January 2029:    3,107,623

Classwork 4.2: Due 3pm, Wednesday, 20 September.   Available during Lecture 4 on Gradescope, this classwork focuses on the structure and topics for the optional project, based on the project overview in lecture:

  1. What is an NYC-related topic in which you are interested?
  2. Was is a question related to that topic (i.e. predictive instead of descriptive framing of your project)?
  3. What kind of data would you be needed for this?

  • Week 5:

    Classwork 5.1: Due 1:45pm, Wednesday, 27 September.   In the first part of Lecture 5, we will start Program 3. Having successfully started the third program to Gradescope (i.e. a positive score) by the end of break gives credit for this classwork. You do not need to complete the thid program or submit anything extra, we will generate the scores directly by if you have submitted an attempt to Gradescope.

    Classwork 5.2: Due 3pm, Wednesday, 27 September.   The second part of the classwork focuses on Voronoi diagrams and is on Gradescope. To receive credit, make sure to submit the on-line Gradescope classwork by the end of lecture.

  • Week 6:

    Classwork 6.1: Due 1:45pm, Wednesday, 4 October.   Available during Lecture 6 on Gradescope, the learning objective of this classwork is to increase understanding of smoothing and gain fluidity with using distributions for smoothing. To get the most out of this exercise, bring a laptop with you to lecture with a development environment (IDE) that has Python 3.6+ to work through in lecture.

    In Lecture 5 and Section 11.2, we used smoothing to visualize data. For this program, write a function that takes two arguments, an Numpy array of x-axis coordinates, and a list of numeric values, and returns the corresponding y-values for the sum of the gaussian probability distribution functions (pdf's) for each point in the list.

    For example, calling the function:

    xes = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)
    density = computeSmoothing(xes,[5])
    would give the plot:

    since there is only one point given (namely 5), the returned value is the probability density function centered at 5 (with scale = 0.5) computed for each of the xes.

    For example, calling the function:

    pts = [2,2,5,5,2,3,4,6,7,9]
    xes = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)
    density = computeSmoothing(xes,pts)
    would give the plot:

    since the there are 10 points given, the function computes the probability density function centered at each of the points, across all the values in xes. It then sums up these contributions and returns an array of the same length as xes.

    Note: you should submit a file with only the standard comments at the top, and this function. The grading scripts will then import the file for testing. If you attended lecture, include in the introductory comment the three lines detailed in Classwork 2.

    Classwork 6.2: Due 3pm, Wednesday, 4 October.   The second classwork for today's lecture is a practice runthrough of the exam & exam seating. We will use the seating chart of the exam to make sure everyone knows where their seat is (roughly alphabetical by first name). Credit for this classwork is given for the signed seating slip is picked up during the mock exam.

  • Week 7: The midterm exam is this week. Classwork is the seating slips for the coding and written exams.

    Classwork 7.1:    Signed seating slip is picked up during the written portion of the exam.

    Classwork 7.2:    Signed seating slip is picked up during the coding portion of the exam.

  • Week 8:

    Classwork 8.1: Due 1:45pm, Wednesday, 18 October.   Available during Lecture 8 on Gradescope, this classwork introduces the canonical digits dataset and uses sci-kit learn to build logistic regression models. To get the most out of this exercise, bring a laptop with you to lecture with a development environment (IDE) that has Python 3+ to work through in lecture.

    This program uses the canonical MNIST dataset of hand-written digits and available in sklearn digits dataset:

    The dataset has 1797 scans of hand-written digits. Each entry has the digit represented (target) as well as the 64 values representing the gray scale for the 8 x 8 image. The first 5 entries are:

    The gray scales for the first 5 entries, flattened to one dimensional array:

    [[ 0.  0.  5. 13.  9.  1.  0.  0.  0.  0. 13. 15. 10. 15.  5.  0.  0.  3. 15.  2.  0. 11.  8.  0.  0.  4. 12.  0.  0.  8.  8.  0.  0.  5.  8.  0.  0.  9.  8.  0.  0.  4. 11.  0.  1. 12.  7.  0.  0.  2. 14.  5. 10. 12.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6. 13. 10.  0.  0.  0.]
     [ 0.  0.  0. 12. 13.  5.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. 11. 16.  9.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3. 15. 16.  6.  0.  0.  0.  7. 15. 16. 16.  2.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1. 16. 16.  3.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1. 16. 16.  6.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1. 16. 16.  6.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. 11. 16. 10.  0.  0.]
     [ 0.  0.  0.  4. 15. 12.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3. 16. 15. 14.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8. 13.  8. 16.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.  6. 15. 11.  0.  0.  0.  1.  8. 13. 15.  1.  0.  0.  0.  9. 16. 16.  5.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3. 13. 16. 16. 11.  5.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3. 11. 16.  9.  0.]
     [ 0.  0.  7. 15. 13.  1.  0.  0.  0.  8. 13.  6. 15.  4.  0.  0.  0.  2.  1. 13. 13.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2. 15. 11.  1.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1. 12. 12.  1.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1. 10.  8.  0.  0.  0.  8.  4.  5. 14.  9.  0.  0.  0.  7. 13. 13.  9.  0.  0.]
     [ 0.  0.  0.  1. 11.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.  8.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1. 13.  6.  2.  2.  0.  0.  0.  7. 15.  0.  9.  8.  0.  0.  5. 16. 10.  0. 16.  6.  0.  0.  4. 15. 16. 13. 16.  1.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3. 15. 10.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2. 16.  4.  0.  0.]]

    Today, we will focus on entries that represent 0's and 1's. The first 10 from the dataset are displayed below:

    Write a function that builds a logistic regression model that classifies binary digits:

    For example, let's flatten the entries and restrict the dataset to just binary digits:

    #Import datasets, classifiers and performance metrics:
    from sklearn import datasets, svm, metrics
    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
    from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
    #Using the digits data set from sklearn:
    from sklearn import datasets
    digits = datasets.load_digits()
    print(type(, type(
    #flatten the images
    n_samples = len(digits.images)
    data = digits.images.reshape((n_samples, -1))
    print(f'The targets for the first 5 entries: {[:5]}')
    #Make a DataFrame with just the binary digits:
    binaryDigits = [(d,t) for (d,t) in zip(data, if t <= 1]
    bd,bt = zip(*binaryDigits)
    print(f'The targets for the first 5 binary entries: {bt[:5]}')
    which will print:
    [0 1 2 ... 8 9 8]
    [[ 0.  0.  5. 13.  9.  1.  0.  0.  0.  0. 13. 15. 10. 15.  5.  0.  0.  3.
    15.  2.  0. 11.  8.  0.  0.  4. 12.  0.  0.  8.  8.  0.  0.  5.  8.  0.
    0.  9.  8.  0.  0.  4. 11.  0.  1. 12.  7.  0.  0.  2. 14.  5. 10. 12.
    0.  0.  0.  0.  6. 13. 10.  0.  0.  0.]
     [ 0.  0.  0. 12. 13.  5.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. 11. 16.  9.  0.  0.  0.  0.
    3. 15. 16.  6.  0.  0.  0.  7. 15. 16. 16.  2.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1. 16.
    16.  3.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1. 16. 16.  6.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1. 16. 16.  6.
    0.  0.  0.  0.  0. 11. 16. 10.  0.  0.]
     [ 0.  0.  0.  4. 15. 12.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3. 16. 15. 14.  0.  0.  0.  0.
    8. 13.  8. 16.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.  6. 15. 11.  0.  0.  0.  1.  8. 13.
    15.  1.  0.  0.  0.  9. 16. 16.  5.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3. 13. 16. 16. 11.
    5.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3. 11. 16.  9.  0.]
     [ 0.  0.  7. 15. 13.  1.  0.  0.  0.  8. 13.  6. 15.  4.  0.  0.  0.  2.
    1. 13. 13.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2. 15. 11.  1.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.
    12. 12.  1.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1. 10.  8.  0.  0.  0.  8.  4.  5. 14.
    9.  0.  0.  0.  7. 13. 13.  9.  0.  0.]
     [ 0.  0.  0.  1. 11.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.  8.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
    1. 13.  6.  2.  2.  0.  0.  0.  7. 15.  0.  9.  8.  0.  0.  5. 16. 10.
    0. 16.  6.  0.  0.  4. 15. 16. 13. 16.  1.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3. 15. 10.
    0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2. 16.  4.  0.  0.]]
    The targets for the first 5 entries: [0 1 2 3 4]
    The targets for the first 5 binary entries: (0, 1, 0, 1, 0)

    We can then use the restricted data and targets datasets as input to our function, assuming your function binary_digit_clf():

    confuse_mx = binary_digit_clf(bd,bt,test_size=0.95)
    print(f'Confusion matrix:\n{confuse_mx}')
    disp = metrics.ConfusionMatrixDisplay(confusion_matrix=confuse_mx)
    #Use a different color map since the default is garish:
    disp.plot(cmap = "Purples")
    plt.title("Logistic Regression Classifier for Binary Digits")
    which will print:
    Confusion matrix:
    [[172   0]
     [  4 166]]
    and display:

    Another example with the same data, but different size for the data reserved for testing:

    confuse_mx = binary_digit_clf(bd,bt)
    print(f'Confusion matrix:\n{confuse_mx}')
    would print:
    Confusion matrix:
    [[43  0]
     [ 0 47]]

    Note: you should submit a file with only the standard comments at the top, and this function. The grading scripts will then import the file for testing. If you attended lecture, include in the introductory comment the three lines detailed in Classwork 2.

    Classwork 8.2: Due 3pm, Wednesday, 18 October.   Available during Lecture 8 on Gradescope, this classwork recaps linear algebra.

  • Week 9:

    Classwork 9.1: Due 1:45pm, Wednesday, 25 October.   In the first part of Lecture 9, we will start Program 4. Having successfully started the fourth program to Gradescope (i.e. a positive score) by the end of break gives credit for this classwork. You do not need to complete the thid program or submit anything extra, we will generate the scores directly by if you have submitted an attempt to Gradescope.

    Classwork 9.2: Due 3pm, Wednesday, 25 October.

    We introduced Principal Components Analysis and the number of components needed to capture the intrinistic dimension of the data set. For this program, write a function that allows the user to explore how many dimensions are needed to see the underlying structure of images from the sklearn digits dataset (inspired by Python Data Science Handbook: Section 5.9 (PCA)).

    Write a function that approximates an image by summing up a fixed number of its components:

    As discussed in Python Data Science Handbook: Section 5.9, we can view the images as sums of the components. For our flattened images, we have 1D arrays of length 64. Here's the first one from the dataset:
    [[ 0.  0.  5. 13.  9.  1.  0.  0.  0.  0. 13. 15. 10. 15.  5.  0.  0.  3. 15.  2.  0. 11.  8.  0.  0.  4. 12.  0.  0.  8.  8.  0.  0.  5.  8.  0.  0.  9.  8.  0.  0.  4. 11.  0.  1. 12.  7.  0.  0.  2. 14.  5. 10. 12.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6. 13. 10.  0.  0.  0.]

    If we let x1 = [1 0 ... 0], x2 = [0 1 0 ... 0], ..., x64 = [0 ... 0 1] (vectors corresponding to each axis), then we can write our images, im = [i1 i2 ... i64], as:

    im = x1*i1 + x2*i2 + ... + x64*i64
              x1*0 + x2*0 + x3*5 + ... + x64*0
    plugging in the values of im into the equation.

    In a similar fashion, we can represent the image in terms of the axis,c1, c2, ... c64, that the PCA analysis returns:

    im = mean + c1*i1 + c2*i2 + ... + c64*i64
    since the axis of PCA are chosen so that the first one captures the most variance, the second the next most, etc. The later axis capture very little variance and likely add litte to the image. (For technical reasons, we include the mean. The reason is similar to when we "center" multidimensional data at 0). This can be very useful for reducing the dimension of the data set, for example, here is the first image from above on the left:

    The next image is the overall mean, and each subsequent image is adding another component to the previous. For this particular scan, the mean plus its first component is enough to see that it's a 0.

    For example, assuming the appropriate libraries are loaded:

    from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
      pca = PCA()
      Xproj = pca.fit_transform(
      showDigit(pca.mean_, f"Mean for digits")
      plt.imshow(pca.mean_.reshape(8,8),cmap='binary', interpolation='nearest',clim=(0, 16))
      plt.title("Mean for digits")
      approxAnswer = approxDigits(8,Xproj[1068], pca.mean_, pca.components_)
      plt.imshow(approxAnswer.reshape(8,8),cmap='binary', interpolation='nearest',clim=(0, 16))
      plt.title("mean + 8 components for digits[1068]")
    would show the mean and summed with the first 8 components for digits[1068]:

    Note: you should submit a file with only the standard comments at the top, this function, and any helper functions you have written. The grading scripts will then import the file for testing.

  • Week 10:

    Classwork 10.1: Due 1:45pm, Wednesday, 1 November.   The first part of the classwork focuses on principal components analysis (PCA) and is on paper. To receive credit, make sure to turn in your paper with your name and EmpID by the end of lecture.

    Classwork 10.2: Due 3pm, Wednesday, 1 November.   Available during Lecture 10 on Gradescope, this classwork focuses on distance metrics. To get the most out of this exercise, bring a device with you that can access Gradescope's online assignments.

    Using Google Maps API, we generated the amount of time it would take to travel between the following landmarks:

    by driving, transit, and walking (files: nyc_landmarks_driving.csv, nyc_landmarks_transit.csv, nyc_landmarks_walking.csv ).

    Of the three, which best estimates the (aerial) distance?

  • Week 11:

    Classwork 11.1: Due 1:45pm, Wednesday, 8 November.   Available during Lecture 11 on Gradescope, this classwork builds intuition on clustering.

    Classwork 11.2: Due 3pm, Wednesday, 8 November.   In the second part of Lecture 11, we will start Program 5. Having successfully started the third program to Gradescope (i.e. a positive score) by the end of break gives credit for this classwork. You do not need to complete the thid program or submit anything extra, we will generate the scores directly by if you have submitted an attempt to Gradescope.

  • Week 12:

    Classwork 12.1: Due 1:45pm, Wednesday, 15 November.   Write a program that asks the user for the name of an input HTML file and the name of an output CSV file. Your program should use regular expressions (see Chapter 12.4 for using the re package in Python) to find all links in the input file and store the link text and URL as columns: Title and URL in the CSV file specified by the user. For the URL, strip off the leading https:// or http:// and any trailing slashes (/):

    For example, if the input file is:

    <head><title>Simple HTML File</title></head>
      <p> Here's a link for <a href="">Hunter CS Department</a>
      and for <a href="">CSci 39542</a>.  </p>
      <p> And for <a href="">google</a>
    Then a sample run of the program:
    Enter input file name: simple.html
    Enter output file name:  links.csv
    And the links.csv would be:
    Hunter CS Department,
    CSci 39542,

    Note: you should submit a file with only the standard comments at the top that you attended lecture in the introductory comment (see Classwork 2 for details). The grading scripts will run your program directly on several different test cases, supplying the names of the files. If you do not ask for input in your program (e.g. ask for the input and output file names), the autograder will time-out waiting.

    Classwork 12.2: Due 3pm, Wednesday, 15 November.   Available during Lecture 12 on Gradescope, this classwork focuses on SQL. To get the most out of this exercise, bring a device with you that can access Gradescope's online assignments.

  • Week 13:

    Classwork 13.1: Due 1:45pm, Wednesday, 29 November.   Available during Lecture 13 on Gradescope, this classwork focuses on SQL. To get the most out of this exercise, bring a device with you that can access Gradescope's online assignments.

    Classwork 13.2: Due 3pm, Wednesday, 29 November.   In the second part of Lecture 13, we will start Program 6. Having successfully started the third program to Gradescope (i.e. a positive score) by the end of break gives credit for this classwork. You do not need to complete the thid program or submit anything extra, we will generate the scores directly by if you have submitted an attempt to Gradescope.

  • Midterm Exam

    The midterm exam has two parts:

    If you are unable to take the midterm (or if you score higher on the final exam), the grade you earn on the final exam will replace your midterm exam grade. For grading details, see the syllabus.

    For those who requested special accommodations:

    Written Examination

    The written exam is on Wednesday, 11 October, 11:30am-12:45pm.


    Exam Rules:

    Format and Preparing:

    Coding Examination

    The coding exam is on Wednesday, 11 October, 1:00-2:15pm, in the style of the coding challenges during class.


    Exam Rules:

    Preparing: The exam covers the material covered in lecture, and classwork, and programming assignments, as well as the reading. To prepare:

    Programming Assignments

    Unless otherwise noted, programming assignments are submitted on the course's Gradescope site and are written in Python. The autograders expect a .py file and do not accept iPython notebooks. Also, to receive full credit, the code should be compatible with Python 3.6 (the default for the Gradescope autograders) and written in good style.

    Program 1: School Counts.Due noon, Friday, 8 September.
    Learning Objective: to refresh students' knowledge of dictionaries and string functions of core Python, use constant models, and build competency with open source data portals.

    Program 2: School Success.Due noon, Friday, 22 September.
    Learning Objective: to build competency with Pandas for storing and cleaning data, use linear models, and introduce catergorical encoding.

    Program 3: Cookie Pricing.Due noon, Friday, 6 October.
    Learning Objective: to build models with multiple linear regression and with polynomial features, use regularization techniques to better fit models, and use standard testing packages.

    Program 4: Taxi Classifiers.Due noon, Friday, 3 November.
    Learning Objective: to train and validate different models for classifying data.

    Program 5: Neighborhood Clusters.Due noon, Friday, 17 November.
    Learning Objective: to enhance data cleaning skills and build understanding of clustering algorithms.

    Program 6: Neighborhood Queries.Due noon, Friday, 8 December.
    Learning Objective: To reinforce new regular expression and SQL skills to query and aggregate data.


    A final project is optional for this course. Projects should synthesize the skills acquired in the course to analyze and visualize data on a topic of your choosing. It is your chance to demonstrate what you have learned, your creativity, and a project that you are passionate about. The intended audience for your project is your classmates as well as tech recruiters and potential employers.

    The grade for the project is a combination of grades earned on the milestones (e.g. deadlines during the semester to keep the projects on track) and the overall submitted program. If you choose not to complete the project, your final exam grade will replace its portion of the overall grade.


    The project is broken down into smaller pieces that must be submitted by the deadlines below. For details of each milestone, see the links. The project is worth 25% of the final grade. The point breakdown is listed as well as the submission windows and deadlines. All components of the project are submitted via Gradescope unless other noted.

    Deadline:Deliverables:Points: Submission Window Opens:
    Tue, October 10, 2023 Opt-In Wed, September 20, 2023
    Fri, October 22, 2023 Proposal 50 Thu, October 12, 2023
    Fri, November 10, 2023 Project Draft/Interim Check-In 25 Sat, October 23, 2023
    Friday, December 2, 2023 Final Project Code Submission 100 Sat, November 11, 2023
    Friday, December 2, 2023 Final Project Demonstration - Slides 10 Sat, November 11, 2023
    Friday, December 2, 2023 Final Project Demonstration - Live Demo or Video Recording 10 Sat, November 11, 2023
    Total Points: 200

    Project Opt-In

    Review the following FAQs before filling out the Project Opt-In form (available on Gradescope on September 20).

    Project Proposal

    The window for submitting proposals opens October 12. If you would like feedback and the opportunity to resubmit for a higher grade, submit early in the window. Feel free to re-submit as many times as you like, up until the assignment deadline. The instructing team will work hard to give feedback on your submission as quickly as possible, and we will grade them in the order they were received.

    The proposal is split into the following sections:

    Project Interim Check-In

    The interim check-in is submitted via Gradescope and contains:

    Final Project & Website Submission

    Submission Instructions:

    For example, for the student, Thomas Hunter, the opening comment of his project might be:

    Name:       Thomas Hunter
    Resources:  Used as a reminder of Python 3 print statements.
    Title:      My project
    and then followed by the rest of the Python scripts.

    The Gradescope Autograder will check for the Python file and that includes the title, the resources, and the URL of your website. After the submission deadline, the code and the website will be graded manually for code quality and data science inference.

    For manual grading of the project, we are grading for the following:

    Project Demonstration

    For the last part of the project, we would like to you to prepare a lightning demo. This composes of two parts:

    Final Examination

    More details to come...