Homework #3
MHC 250/Seminar 4:
Shaping the Future of New York City
Spring 2017
Topics: Parking in Neighborhoods; More matplotlib plots
Deadline: Wednesday, 1 March 2017, 11:59pm
- What is your github login?
- #1: Submit your login name (if you have multiple ones, submit the one you plan to use for this course and the project).
- All Seminar 4 sections are required to have an out-of-class trip. Ours is to visit the Cooper-Hewitt Museum's temporary exhibition on By The People: Designing a Better America. Using the museum's website, figure out when you can visit. Allow at least 1 hour to see the exhibit.
- #2: Titles and URLs of 3 exhibits you found most relevant (URLs are stored on the visitor pen and can be retrieved on-line using the unique code on your entry ticket).
- #3: A paragraph describing each of the three exhibits. Include a description of the hypothesis of each exhibit, the planned or resulting design, and why it could be relevant to your neighborhood.
Submit as .pdf file.
- Using Pandas (see classwork from third class), plot the New York City historical population we used the first day (nycHistPop.csv) and compute the correlation of growth to answer: Which borough's population, over time, is mostly closely correlated with the total population.
- #4: Submit your Python program as a .py file.
- #5: Submit the correlation coefficients between boroughs and total city population (output from corr() is fine).
Submit as .txt or .pdf file.
- #6: Submit an image of the population of the 5 boroughs and overall total over time. Submit as .pdf file.
Hint: If your data is stored in a data frame, pop, you can plot over time by pop.plot(x="Year").
- What is the most common complaint type in your neighborhood? In your answer, include the Python program that scraped the data and prints the top 10:
- #7: Submit your Python program as a .py file.
- #8: Submit a list of the top 10 complaints for your neighborhood, as well as the number of complaints of each type.
Submit as .txt or .pdf file.
Hint: You can use the same approach as Homework 2. If you would like to use Pandas, you can select the column you would like to count, and then use value_counts() (e.g. callData["Complaint Type"].value_counts())
Submitting Homework
To submit your homework, log on to the Blackboard system, and go to "Homework". For each part of the homework, there is a separate input box. You may submit the homework as many times as you would like before the deadline.