Office Hours
If I am not in my office, try the department office (1008 HN) or CSCI 127 Instructional Laboratory (1001G HN).
My regular office hours for Spring 2025 are:
- Tuesdays, before and after lecture (9am-10am and 11:15am-12:15pm) in either my
office (1090D Hunter North), our classroom (118 Hunter North, before lecture), or lab (1001G HN, after lecture).
To get assistance:
- CSCI 127 Students: Tutoring is available most Mondays-Fridays, 11:30am-5pm in 1001G HN.
- For advising questions, you can reach out to the departmental advisors via
- For information about internships, regular email announcements about opportunities are sent out automatically to all declared computer science majors. If you are pursuing a tech-adjacent major and would like to receive the internship mailings, send email to eh1782 @ with your EmpID and major.
- For departmental questions, you can reach the department staff at csinfo AT
- For other questions, the best way to reach me is via email: stjohn AT