CSci 227 Syllabus    Resources    Coursework

Laboratory Exercise 0
CSci 227: Programming Methods
Department of Computer Science
Hunter College, City University of New York
Spring 2024

Learning Objectives: Students will:

Software Tools Needed: Web browser to access textbook and set up accounts.

Lab Notes: Download the outline and focus questions to guide you while working through this lab. These are a useful tool for note taking and as well as studying for the quizzes and final exam.


Welcome! Our first lecture will be:

10-11:15am in 1001E HN, Wednesday, 31 January 2024
This lab is a quick preview of the course and has a checklist of things to do now, before we meet in person.

Audience: This continuation of CSci 127 is aimed at computer science minors and others interested in strengthening their programming skills and knowledge of canonical data structures and algorithms. This course can be counted towards a computer science minor. While computer science majors are welcome, this course does not count towards the computer science major.

Focus: This course surveys core topics in data structures and algorithms. The emphasis is on solving problems and less time on the theory (for more on both, see the programming sequence for majors: CSci 135/235/335). With this emphasis, we will use two industry standards, LeetCode and HackerRank, as sources for problems in classwork and for coding reviews. The course goal is mastery of the material so that students can successfully complete technical challenges at the summer internship skills level.

Course Organization: Like CSCI 127, this is a hybrid course. Each week, there are in person and on-line components to the course:

Things To Do Now

Before the first lecture, here's some things to do to prepare for the upcoming semester. More details in the subsections below:
  1. Set up your Python programming environment.
  2. Set up accounts for the software platforms that we will use this term (Blackboard, Gradescope, LeetCode, HackerRank, and GitHub).
  3. Refresh your knowledge of Python learned in the introductory course.
  4. Complete Quiz 0 on Gradescope (available 24 January).

1. Python Programming Environment

If you don't have a laptop or home machine, reach out the Office of Student Affairs. Hunter College is committed to providing students the resources they need to succeed.

Set up the programming environment or your laptop or home machine. While you can use online environments, if you have a machine, it's good practice for the future to use an integrated development environment (IDE). Visual Studio Code is an all-purpose one that works well with Python on Linux, Windows, and MacOS (see VS Code installation notes).

2. Access for Software Platforms

  • Set up accounts for the software platforms we will use this term:

    3. Introductory Python Recap

    The textbook has an excellent overview of data structures and algorithms as well as a concise review of Python topics. Written by the same team who wrote the CSCI 127 textbook, it has interactive code windows and exercises throughout the text. Work through the following sections of the textbook: (The other sections of the first chapter are also important, but we will cover those later in the term.)

    4. Quiz 0

    There are weekly written quizzes for the course. The first quiz, "Quiz 0", is a quick on-line exercise, based on the syllabus. It is available on Gradescope on 24 January.

    What's Next

    That's it for now! See on 10am, Wednesday, 31 January in 1001E HN!

    But, if you want to look ahead, here's some links: