All students registered by Wednesday, 24 January are sent a Gradescope registration invitation to the email on record on their Blackboard account. If you did not receive the email or would like to use a different account, write to
. Include in your email that you not receive a Gradescope invitation, your preferred email, and your EmpID. We will manually generate an invitation. As a default, we use your name as it appears in Blackboard/CUNYFirst (to update CUNYFirst, see changing your personal information). If you prefer a different name for Gradescope, include it, and we will update the Gradescope registration.
These program builds on the concepts and code developed during lecture and through the reading. Mastery of material is assessed via
Submitted code must be in Python, using only the specified libraries. The autograder expects a .py
file and does not accept iPython notebooks. Since all assignments are designed to be uploaded as a single file, the autograder is set up for direct file upload instead of Github. If submitting directly (drop-and-drag onto the webpage), the file name is flexible but must have the extension .py
Also, to receive full credit, the code should be compatible with Python 3.6 (the default for the Gradescope autograders).
To encourage starting early on programs, bonus points are given for early submission. A bonus, up to 10% of the program grade, are possible. Programs submitted 48 hours early receive 1 points, prorated by hour. For example, if you turn in the program 24 hours early, then the bonus poins are: (28 hours/48 hours)*1 points = (1/2)*1 points = 0.5 point.
To get full credit for a program, the file must include in the opening comment:
Name: Thomas Hunter
Resources: Used as a reminder of Python 3 print statements.
and then followed by his Python program.
Good style accounts for 30% of the program grade. We are following the standard PEP 8 style guide for Python code. As part of the autograder scripts, your program is run through a static code analyser (aka a "linter").
. For the autograders, we have included df
in the "good-names" that are accepted. This can be done locally with .pylintrc
files or using the command-line option pylint --good-names=df
.Due Date: 5pm, Friday, 2 February
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 1 & Lab 1
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Write a Python program that prints "Hello, World!" to the screen. For full credit, make sure to follow Python style guide and include introductory comments.
Hint: See style & pylint in Lecture 1 and Lab 1.
Due Date: 5pm, Monday, 5 February
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 1 & Lab 1
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Leap Years
Write a function is_leap()
that takes an integer between 1000 and 10,000 and returns True
if it is leap year and False
otherwise. The following conditions are used to determine leap years:
If the year is divisible by 4 but not divisible by 100 unless the year is divisible by 400.For example, 2000 and 2400 are leap years, while 1900 and 2100 are not leap years.
Hint: See HackerRank function challenge from Lecture 1.
Due Date: 5pm, Thursday, 8 February
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 1 & Lab 1
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Duplicate Names
Write a function duplicates()
that takes a list of names and returns a list of the names that occur more. If there are no duplicated names, your function should return an empty list (e.g. []
For example:
names = ['Daniel','Dorothy','Bethany','Beth','Daniel','Georgi']
would print:
Hint: See classwork from Lecture 1 and the Program 2 notes above.
Due Date: 5pm, Friday, 9 February
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 1 & Lab 1
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Unique Visitors
When students visit the lab, their EmpID is stored as an 8-digit string. Many students visit multiple times, but we are interested in the total number of unique visitors to the lab. Write a function unique_visitors()
that takes a list of 8-digit strings and returns the number of unique strings that occur.
Your function should also screen out any strings that are too long (more than 8 digits) or too short (less than 8 digits) and not include those in the final count returned.
For example:
ids = ['12345678','11223344','123','12345678']
print(f"The number of unique visitors is {unique_visitors(ids)}.")
would print:
The number of unique visitors is 2.
since there are 3 entries of the correct length but only 2 unique ones (the first and fourth entries are duplicates of each other).
Hint: See classwork from Lecture 1 and the Program 2 notes above.
Due Date: 5pm, Tuesday, 13 February
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 1 & Lab 2
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Hexadecimal Plus One
In Lab 2, we worked through LC 66 (Plus One), which took a large number, represented as a list of digits and returned its value incremented by one. For this question, write a function:
def hex_plus_one(digits: List[str]) -> List[str]:
that takes a large number stored as a list of hexadecimal digits (the characters from '0','1',...'9','A','B','C','D','E','F' representing the digits 0,1,...9,10,11,12,13,14,15) and returns the large number incremented by 1.
For example, if the list is ['1','2','F']
, then the function should return ['1','3','0']
since incrementing the last digit, 'F', by 1 gives 10, or '0' with a carry of 1. The next to last digit is '2' with the carry becomes '3'.
Hint: See Lab 2.
Due Date: 5pm, Friday, 16 February
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 1 & Lab 2
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Longest Words
Write a program that asks the user for the names of an input file and output file. Your program should read in the input file and for each line, write the longest word to the output file (if there are more than longest word on a line, the first is written).
For example, if you ran your program:
Enter your input file name: milne.txt
Enter your output file name: longest.txt
If the input file, milne.txt
It is more fun to talk
with someone who doesn't use long,
difficult words but rather short,
easy words like 'What about lunch?'
--A.A. Milne
Then the output file, output.txt
, would contain:
Note: to simplify this program, words are contiguous characters, separated by spaces (no need to strip off punctuation marks).
Due Date: 5pm, Tuesday, 20 February
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 1 & Lab 2
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Average Grades
Write a program that asks the user for the names of an input file and output file. Each line of the input file has a name, followed by grades, separated by spaces. Your program should read in the input file and for each line, write the name to the output file and the average of the grades, separated by a space.
For example, if you ran your program:
Enter your input file name: grades.txt
Enter your output file name: ave.txt
If the input file, grades.txt
Amy 10 8 8 4
Beth 10 11
Chaaya 10 0 11 9 9 9
Daiyu 8 8 5 10 10 10
Esme 3 9 6
Then the output file, ave.txt
, would contain:
Amy 7.5
Beth 10.5
Chaaya 8.0
Daiyu 8.5
Esme 6.0
Due Date: 5pm, Friday, 23 February
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 1 & Lab 2
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Proper Nouns
Write a function that takes a string and returns a list of all words that start with capital letter. Words in the string are separated by spaces.
def find_proper_nouns(data: str) -> List[str]:
For example, if you ran your program:
data = "Jack and Jill went up the hill."
nouns = find_proper_nouns(data)
Then the output would be:
, then word[0] == word[0].upper()
will return true if the first letter is upper case.Due Date: 5pm, Tuesday, 27 February
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 2 & Lab 3
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Write a function that takes two string and returns True
if they are anagrams and False
otherwise. The strings will only consist of letters, and your function should be case insensitive (e.g. 'A' and 'a' are considered the same).
def anagram(word_1: str, word_2: str) -> bool:
For example, if you ran your program:
word_1 = 'coast'
word_2 = 'water'
word_3 = 'tacos'
print(f'{word_1} and {word_2}: function returns {anagram(word_1,word_2)}.')
print(f'{word_1} and {word_3}: function returns {anagram(word_1,word_3)}.')
Then the output would be:
coast and water: function returns False.
coast and tacos: function returns True.
Due Date: 5pm, Monday, 4 March
Reading: Chapter 2 & Lab 3
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+, time
Function Timer
Following the textbook's example in Section 2.2, write a function that returns the result and time taken by an inputted function and returns the result of the function and the time it takes. Your function should also have a keyword argument, num
, with default value 10
that is the input when running the function.
fnc_timer(fnc, num = 10)
For example, if you had defined the summing functions we had in lecture (and Section 2.2 of the textbook):
def sum_form(num):
Computes sum of first n numbers, using formula.
return num*(num+1)/2
def sum_loop(num):
Computes sum of first n numbers, using loop.
result = 0
for iii in range(1,num+1):
result = result + iii
return result
Then we can use those functions to test the fnc_timer
def main():
Testing the timer:
print(f"For sum_form: {fnc_timer(sum_form)}\n")
for num in range(1000,20_000,1000):
result, time_taken = fnc_timer(sum_form,num=num)
print(f"For sum_form with num={num}, result = {result} in time {time_taken:.10f}.")
for num in range(1000,20_000,1000):
result, time_taken = fnc_timer(sum_loop,num=num)
print(f"For sum_loop with num={num}: result = {result} in time {time_taken:.10f}.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Then the output would be:
For sum_form: (55.0, 1.4781951904296875e-05)
For sum_form with num=1000, result = 500500.0 in time 0.0000021458.
For sum_form with num=2000, result = 2001000.0 in time 0.0000021458.
For sum_form with num=3000, result = 4501500.0 in time 0.0000011921.
For sum_form with num=4000, result = 8002000.0 in time 0.0000009537.
For sum_form with num=5000, result = 12502500.0 in time 0.0000011921.
For sum_form with num=6000, result = 18003000.0 in time 0.0000009537.
For sum_form with num=7000, result = 24503500.0 in time 0.0000011921.
For sum_form with num=8000, result = 32004000.0 in time 0.0000009537.
For sum_form with num=9000, result = 40504500.0 in time 0.0000009537.
For sum_form with num=10000, result = 50005000.0 in time 0.0000011921.
For sum_form with num=11000, result = 60505500.0 in time 0.0000009537.
For sum_form with num=12000, result = 72006000.0 in time 0.0000007153.
For sum_form with num=13000, result = 84506500.0 in time 0.0000009537.
For sum_form with num=14000, result = 98007000.0 in time 0.0000009537.
For sum_form with num=15000, result = 112507500.0 in time 0.0000011921.
For sum_form with num=16000, result = 128008000.0 in time 0.0000009537.
For sum_form with num=17000, result = 144508500.0 in time 0.0000011921.
For sum_form with num=18000, result = 162009000.0 in time 0.0000009537.
For sum_form with num=19000, result = 180509500.0 in time 0.0000009537.
For sum_loop with num=1000: result = 500500 in time 0.0001218319.
For sum_loop with num=2000: result = 2001000 in time 0.0002119541.
For sum_loop with num=3000: result = 4501500 in time 0.0003182888.
For sum_loop with num=4000: result = 8002000 in time 0.0004231930.
For sum_loop with num=5000: result = 12502500 in time 0.0005140305.
For sum_loop with num=6000: result = 18003000 in time 0.0006108284.
For sum_loop with num=7000: result = 24503500 in time 0.0007030964.
For sum_loop with num=8000: result = 32004000 in time 0.0008106232.
For sum_loop with num=9000: result = 40504500 in time 0.0009038448.
For sum_loop with num=10000: result = 50005000 in time 0.0010118484.
For sum_loop with num=11000: result = 60505500 in time 0.0011117458.
For sum_loop with num=12000: result = 72006000 in time 0.0011761189.
For sum_loop with num=13000: result = 84506500 in time 0.0012700558.
For sum_loop with num=14000: result = 98007000 in time 0.0013661385.
For sum_loop with num=15000: result = 112507500 in time 0.0015220642.
For sum_loop with num=16000: result = 128008000 in time 0.0015380383.
For sum_loop with num=17000: result = 144508500 in time 0.0015838146.
For sum_loop with num=18000: result = 162009000 in time 0.0016670227.
For sum_loop with num=19000: result = 180509500 in time 0.0017712116.
The first line comes from our first call to fnc_timer
that uses the default value for num
when timing the function. The next lines are from the for-loops where we supply a value for num
import time
.)Due Date: 5pm, Tuesday, 5 March
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 2 & Lab 4
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Binary Search
For Classwork 4, we traced through the pseudocode for linear search and binary search. Convert the pseudocode for binary search into a function:
def binary_search(cards, min_ind, max_ind, target):
The pseudocode from Classwork 4:
For example, if you ran your program:
cards = [1,1,2,3,8,9,10,11,12]
purples = ["amethyst","eggplant","grape","indigo","lavendar","lilac","magenta","plum","violet"]
print(f"Is 7 in the cards? {binary_search(cards,0,len(cards)-1,7)}")
print(f"How about 8? {binary_search(cards,0,len(cards)-1,8)}\n")
print(f"Is mauve one of our purples? {binary_search(purples, 0,len(purples)-1,'mauve')}")
Then the output would be:
Is 7 in the cards? False
How about 8? True
Is mauve one of our purples? False
Due Date: 5pm, Thursday, 7 March
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 1 & Lab 4
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Find the Duplicate Number
Given an array of integers nums containing n + 1
integers where each integer is in the range [1, n]
There is only one repeated number in nums, return this repeated number. Your function should be:
def find_duplicate(nums : List(int)) -> int:
Note: You must solve the problem without modifying the array nums and uses only constant extra space.
Example 1: Input: nums = [1,3,4,2,2] Output: 2 Example 2: Input: nums = [3,1,3,4,2] Output: 3
appear only once except for precisely one integer which appears two or more times.nums = [1,3,4,2,2]
, it's 4/2 = 2. How many elements are at most 2? And how many are larger than 2?Due Date: 5pm, Friday, 8 March
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 1 & Lab 4
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Median Value
In lectures and labs, we have compute minimum, maximum, mean (average), and mode (most common value) for lists of numbers. For this program, we're computing the median, or value for which half the numbers in the list are smaller and half the list are larger. For lists of even length, we will arbitrarily choose the larger of the two middle values, if they differ.
An elegant way to compute the median, is to split the list into smaller lists, say each of length 5. Find the median of each and save those to a list. And repeat this on your new list. If you keep repeating, you will, recursively, found the median value.
The pseudocode for computing the median of medians is:
median_of_medians(nums)For this question, write the function that finds the median of lists of 5 or fewer values (that is, implement line 5 above):
def median_5(nums: List) -> int:
that takes a list of numbers of 5 (or fewer) elements and returns the median value. If the list is of even length, it returns the larger of the two middle values.
For example, if nums = [1,8,2,3,7]
, the number for that has half the elements below it and half above it is 3, so, your function would return 3.
For example, if nums = [10,3,3,4]
, the values in the middle are 3 and 4, so, your function returns the larger, or 4.
Due Date: 5pm, Monday, 11 March
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 1 & Lab 5
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Fraction Class
Building on the Fraction class ( from Lab 5, write two functions:
__eq__(self, other):
which returns True
if self
and other
are equivalent fractions and False
otherwise.__mul__(self, other):
which multiplies the fractions self
and other
and returns the simplified product.For example, if the Fraction class is in the file
from fraction import *
f1 = Fraction(1, 2)
f2 = Fraction(2, 3)
f3 = f1 * f2
print(f"{f1} times {f2} is {f3}.")
print(f"Is f3 equivalent to f1: {f3 == f1}.")
would output:
1/2 times 2/3 is 1/3.
Is f3 equivalent to f1: False.
) is written. Follow that template for the functions above.Due Date: 5pm, Tuesday, 12 March
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 1 & Lab 5
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+, pandas
Write a program, using the pandas
package, that asks the user for the name of an input CSV file and the name of an output CSV file. The program should open the file name provided by the user.
Next, the program should select rows where the field senate_class
is non-empty and write the first_name
and last_name
to a file with the output file name provided by the user.
For example, if the file was legislators-current.csv with the first 3 lines of:
Brown,Sherrod,,,,Sherrod Brown,1952-11-09,M,sen,OH,,1,Democrat,,503 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510,202-224-2315,,,SenSherrodBrown,SenatorSherrodBrown,SherrodBrownOhio,UCgy8jfERh-t_ixkKKoCmglQ,B000944,00136,N00003535,S307,"H2OH13033,S6OH00163",5051,400050,27018,Sherrod Brown,,29389,Sherrod Brown
Cantwell,Maria,,,,Maria Cantwell,1958-10-13,F,sen,WA,,1,Democrat,,511 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510,202-224-3441,,,SenatorCantwell,senatorcantwell,SenatorCantwell,UCN52UDqKgvHRk39ncySrIMw,C000127,00172,N00007836,S275,"S8WA00194,H2WA01054",26137,300018,27122,Maria Cantwell,,39310,Maria Cantwell
Then a sample run of the program:
Enter input file name: legislators-current.csv
Enter output file name: senatorNames.csv
And the first three lines of senatorNames.csv
would be:
Hint: Use pandas to read in the CSV and select the name columns. When saving to the file, only save the columns (not the index). For example, df_out.to_csv(out_name, index=False)
Due Date: 5pm, Friday, 15 March
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 3 & Lab 6
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Linked List Search
Using the Node class from Lab 6, write a function that searches a linked list and returns True
if found and False
otherwise. Your function should be of the format:
def search_list( lst : Optional[ListNode], target : int) -> bool:
where a ListNode
class ListNode:
def __init__(self, val=0, next_node=None):
self.val = val = next_node
For example, if target
is 3
and lst_1
then search_list( lst_1, target )
would return True
. Writing this in Python:
lst = ListNode(2) = ListNode(4) = ListNode(3)
print(f"Is 3 in lst? {search_list(lst,3)}")
print(f"Is 10 in lst? {search_list(lst,10)}")
The resulting output:
Is 3 in lst? True
Is 10 in lst? False
A helpful function for printing out your list:
def list_2_str( lst ):
Helper function for printing out lists
current = lst
lst_str = ""
while current is not None:
lst_str = lst_str + "->" + str(current.val)
current =
if len(lst_str) > 0:
#Get rid of leading "->" in string
lst_str = lst_str[2:]
return lst_str
Due Date: 5pm, Monday, 18 March
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 3 & Lab 6
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Balanced Parenthesis
Given a string line
that contains alphanumeric characters as well as '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']', determine if the input string is valid.
An input string is valid if:
def is_valid(line: str) -> bool
is print("Hello")
, then is_valid(line)
returns True
since the opening (
is matched with )
is words[-1].join()
, then is_valid(line)
returns True
since the opening [
is matched with ]
and (
is matched with )
is words[0)
, then is_valid(line)
returns False
since there is an opening [
but no matching ]
is (((words[0] == 'Hi') or (words[0] == 'Hello')) and (words[-1] == 'Bye'))
, then is_valid(line)
returns True
since if we look at the parentheses: ((()())())
they follow the matching rules.Note: This is a variation on LC 20. See Classwork 6 in Lecture 6.
Due Date: 5pm, Tuesday, 19 March
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 3 & Lab 6
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Increment Number
Using the Node class from Lab 6, assume each val
in a node contains a digit: 0
to 9
. Each linked list represents a large number in reverse order. For example, the list:
The smallest part, or ones column, is 2. The tens column is 4. And the hundreds column is 3. So this represents 342.
Write a function that adds one to a large number and returns the value. Your function should be of the format:
def increment_num( lst : Optional[ListNode] ) -> Optional[ListNode]:
where a ListNode
class ListNode:
def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
self.val = val = next
For example, if lst_1
is 2 -> 4 -> 3
then increment_num( lst_1 )
would return a linked list with 3 -> 4 -> 3
If lst_2
is 9 -> 9 -> 1
then increment_num( lst_2 )
would return a linked list with 0 -> 0 -> 2
since adding one to 199 yields 200.
Hint: Think about what happens when a digit is 9
. See Classwork 7 and Lecture 7 for an example of adding large numbers.
Due Date: 5pm, Friday, 22 March
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 3, Lab 5 & Lab 6
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
A phrase is a palindrome if, after converting all uppercase letters into lowercase letters and removing all non-alphanumeric characters, it reads the same forward and backward. Alphanumeric characters include letters and numbers. Given a string s, returnTrue
if it is a palindrome, or False
def is_palindrome(input_s: str) -> bool
input_s = "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama"
, then the output is True
since "amanaplanacanalpanama" is a palindrome.input_s = "race a car"
, then the output is False
since "raceacar" is not a palindrome.input_s = " "
, then the output is True
since s is an empty string "" after removing non-alphanumeric characters, and an empty string reads the same forward and backward, it is a palindrome.Note: This is LC 125. See Classwork 6 in Lecture 6 and Classwork 7.2 in Lecture 7.
Due Date: 5pm, Monday, 25 March
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 3 & Lab 7
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Checkout Lines
Write a function that models a grocery store checkout lines
def checkout_lines(carts: List) -> int
that takes a list of integers representing the number of items in customers carts and returns the amount of time it takes for all customers to checkout.
There are 3 checkout lines, and at each time step, one item can be processed. Any checkout with 0 items left to process takes the next customer from carts
Example: Say carts = [5,1,2,4,2]
More details:
Time | Checker #1 | Checker #2 | Checker #3 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 5 | 1 | 2 |
2 | 4 | 0 | 1 |
3 | 3 | 4 | 0 |
4 | 2 | 3 | 2 |
5 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
6 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
7 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Due Date: 5pm, Tuesday, 26 March
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 3 & Lab 7
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Number Converter
In Section 3.8 from Lab 7, code was developed to convert decimal numbers into binary.
For this program, write a function that will convert decimal numbers into other base numbers (where the base is <= 10):
def number_converter(num: int, base=2:int) -> str
The default is to convert the number to binary (base = 2) but your function should allow the user to specify other bases.
For example:
print(f"15 base 2 is {number_converter(15)}.")
print(f"15 base 8 is {number_converter(15,base=8)}.")
would print:
15 base 2 is 1111.
15 base 8 is 17.
Due Date: 5pm, Tuesday, 2 April
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 5 & Lab 8
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Find All Duplicates
Given an integer array nums of length n
where all the integers of nums are in the range [1, n]
and each integer appears once or twice, return an array of all the integers that appears twice.
def find_all_duplicates(nums: List) -> List
You must write an algorithm that runs in O(n)
time and uses only constant extra space.
Input: nums = [4,3,2,7,8,2,3,1]
Output: [2,3]
Input: nums = [1,1,2]
Output: [1]
Input: nums = [1]
Output: []
Hint: This is LC 442 (Find All Duplicates in an Array). See Lab 8.
Due Date: 5pm, Friday, 5 April
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 5 & Lab 8
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Numbers Disappeared
Given an array nums of n
integers where nums[i]
is in the range [1, n]
, return an array of all the integers in the range [1, n]
that do not appear in nums
def nums_disappeared(nums: List) -> List
Input: nums = [4,3,2,7,8,2,3,1]
Output: [5,6]
Input: nums = [1,1]
Output: [2]
time and O(1)
space?Due Date: 5pm, Tuesday, 9 April
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 5 & Lab 9
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
Given a sorted rotated array nums
of unique elements, return the minimum element of this array.
def min_rotated(nums: List) -> int
You must write an algorithm that runs in O(log n)
Input: nums = [3,4,5,1,2]
Output: 1
Input: nums = [4,5,6,7,0,1,2]
Output: 0
Input: nums = [11,13,15,17]
Output: 11
Hint: This is LC 153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array.
Due Date: 5pm, Friday, 12 April
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 5 & Lab 10
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Sort Array By Parity
Given an integer array nums
, move all the even integers at the beginning of the array followed by all the odd integers.
def sort_by_parity(nums: List) -> List
Return any array that satisfies this condition.
Input: nums = [3,2,1,4]
Output: [2,4,3,1]
Explanation: The outputs [4,2,3,1], [2,4,1,3], and [4,2,1,3] would also be accepted.Input: nums = [0]
Output: [0]
Hint: This is LC 905. Sort Array By Parity and see Lab 10.
Due Date: 5pm, Monday, 15 April
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 5 & Lab 10
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Group Anagrams
Given an array of strings strs
, group the anagrams together. You can return the answer in any order.
def group_anagram(strs: List) -> List
An Anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once.
Input: strs = ["eat","tea","tan","ate","nat","bat"]
Output: [["bat"],["nat","tan"],["ate","eat","tea"]]
Input: strs = [""]
Output: [[""]]
Input: strs = ["a"]
Output: [["a"]]
Hint: This is LC 49. Group Anagrams and see Lab 10.
Due Date: 5pm, Monday, 6 May
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 5 & Lab 11
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Kth Smallest Element
Write a function that takes a list of numbers and returns the kth smallest number:
def kth_smallest(nums: List, kth = 1: int) -> int
nums = [19,8,1,20,5,45,7,10]
, then kth_smallest(nums)
returns 1
.nums = [19,8,1,20,5,45,7,10]
, then kth_smallest(nums, kth=3)
returns 7
.nums = [30,25,20,15,10,5,0]
, then kth_smallest(nums, kth=4)
returns 15
.Hint: The built-in Python library heapq may be useful.
Due Date: 5pm, Tuesday, 7 May
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 5 & Lab 12
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
BST Insert
You are given the root node of a binary search tree (BST) and a value to insert into the tree. Return the root node of the BST after the insertion. It is guaranteed that the new value does not exist in the original BST.
def insert(root: TreeNode, val: int) -> TreeNode:
Notice that there may exist multiple valid ways for the insertion, as long as the tree remains a BST after insertion. You can return any of them.
The tree node class is:
# Definition for a binary tree node.
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
self.val = val
self.left = left
self.right = right
Example: The val = 5
inserted into the tree:
The file contains some more examples that test the function. The first part sets up a new tree:
my_tree = None
my_tree = insert(my_tree, 10)
print("added first node")
The inorder()
function is a helper function that prints out a node with arrows pointing to its left and right children. Since there's only a root node to start, the left and right have no values, just parenthesis to show that they are there:
() <- 10 -> ()
We can more nodes to binary search tree:
some_vals = [3,5,20,15,1]
for val in some_vals:
my_tree = insert(my_tree, val)
As we loop through the list, we insert the value and then print out the modified tree:
(() <- 3 -> ()) <- 10 -> ()
(() <- 3 -> (() <- 5 -> ())) <- 10 -> ()
(() <- 3 -> (() <- 5 -> ())) <- 10 -> (() <- 20 -> ())
(() <- 3 -> (() <- 5 -> ())) <- 10 -> ((() <- 15 -> ()) <- 20 -> ())
((() <- 1 -> ()) <- 3 -> (() <- 5 -> ())) <- 10 -> ((() <- 15 -> ()) <- 20 -> ())
Similarly, we can build another tree from the list, [1,2,4,8,16,32]:
#Making another tree from [1,2,4,8,16,32]
double_vals = [1,2,4,8,16,32]
another_tree = None
for val in double_vals:
another_tree = insert(another_tree, val)
Since the values are in order, inserting into the binary search tree yields are very long, stringy tree with no left children:
() <- 1 -> ()
() <- 1 -> (() <- 2 -> ())
() <- 1 -> (() <- 2 -> (() <- 4 -> ()))
() <- 1 -> (() <- 2 -> (() <- 4 -> (() <- 8 -> ())))
() <- 1 -> (() <- 2 -> (() <- 4 -> (() <- 8 -> (() <- 16 -> ()))))
() <- 1 -> (() <- 2 -> (() <- 4 -> (() <- 8 -> (() <- 16 -> (() <- 32 -> ())))))
Hint: This is LC 701. Insert into a Binary Search Tree and see Lecture 12 and Lab 12.
Due Date: 5pm, Friday, 10 May
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 7 & Lab 12
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Find the Town Judge
In a town, there are num
people labeled from 1
to num
. There is a rumor that one of these people is secretly the town judge.
If the town judge exists, then:
You are given an array trust where trust[i] = [a_i, b_i]
representing that the person labeled a_i
trusts the person labeled b_i
. If a trust relationship does not exist in trust array, then such a trust relationship does not exist.
Your function should be of the form :
def find_judge(num: int, trust: List[List[int]]) -> int:
and return the label of the town judge if the town judge exists and can be identified, or return -1
n = 2, trust = [[1,2]]
n = 3, trust = [[1,3],[2,3]]
n = 3, trust = [[1,3],[2,3],[3,1]]
Hint: This is LC 997 (Find the Town Judge) and see Lecture 12 and Lab 12.
Due Date: 5pm, Tuesday, 14 May
Reading: Textbook: Chapter 7 & Lab 13
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+
Providence Size
There are n
cities. Some of them are connected, while some are not. If city a
is connected directly with city b
, and city b
is connected directly with city c
, then city a
is connected indirectly with city c
A province is a group of directly or indirectly connected cities and no other cities outside of the group.
You are given the number of a city, num
and an n
x n
matrix is_connected
where is_connected[i][j] = 1
if the ith city and the jth city are directly connected, and is_connected[i][j] = 0
Write a function:
def province_size(num: int, is_connected: List[List[int]]) -> int:
that return the total number of cities in the province containing num
The return value is 2
for num = 1
since there are 2 cities in the province containing 2
. If num = 3
, then the return is 1
since city 3
is isolated and its province contains only it.
The return value is 1
for num = 1
since city 1
is isolated and its province contains only it. Similarly, the return value is also 1
for cities 2
and 3
since they are also isolated and their provinces contain only themselves.
Hint: This is a simplier version of LC 547 (Number of Provinces) . See Lecture 13 and Lab 13.