Today's lab will focus on looping through data files and using decisions.
Software tools needed: web browser and Python IDLE programming
To make reading files easier, we will use the pandas library that lets you read in CSV files very efficiently. Pandas, Python Data Analysis Library, is an elegant, open-source package for extracting, manipulating, and analyzing data, especially those stored in 2D arrays (like spreadsheets). It incorporates most of the Python constructs and libraries that we have seen thus far.
Pandas should be installed on all the lab machines. If you are using your own machine, you should check that it is there by typing at the Python shell (in spyder, idle, or your favorite Python interface):
import pandas as pd
If you get an error that the library is not found. Open up a terminal, and use conda to install it:
conda install pandasIn Pandas, the basic structure is a DataFrame which stored data in rectangular grids. Let's use this to visualize the change in New York City's population. First, start your file with an import statements for pandas:
import pandas as pdThe as pd allows us to use pandas commands without writing out pandas everytime-- instead we just write pd.
Next, save the NYC historical population data to the same directory as your program. Open the file in your favorite spreadsheet program (such as Excel) to see what it looks like. Note that it has 5 extra lines at the top before the column names occur. The pandas function for reading in CSV files is read_csv(). It has an option to skip rows which we will use here:
pop = pd.read_csv('nycHistPop.csv',skiprows=5)
Before going on, let's print out the variable pop. pop is a dataframe, described in the reading above:
print(pop)The last line of our first pandas program is:
pop.plot(x="Year")which makes a graphical display of all of the data series in the variable pop with the series corresponding to the column "Year" as the x-axis. Your output should look something like:
To recap: the 3-line program:
import pandas as pd pop = pd.read_csv('nycHistPop.csv',skiprows=5) pop.plot(x="Year")
If you are using IDLE, you will need two more lines to make plots pop up automatically:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd pop = pd.read_csv('nycHistPop.csv',skiprows=5) pop.plot(x="Year") the following:
print("The largest number living in the Bronx is", pop["Bronx"].max())Similarly the average (mean) population for Queens can be computed:
print("The average number living in the Queens is", pop["Queens"].mean())
Each column in the original spreadsheet is a column, or series. We can look at the column for the Bronx with:
print(pop['Bronx'])How would you look at the one for Brooklyn?
A nice thing about series is that you can do basic arithmetic with them. For example,
print(pop['Bronx']*2)prints out double the values in the column.
You can also use multiple columns in a calculation:
print(pop['Bronx']/pop['Total'])prints out the fraction of the total population that lives in the Bronx.
We can save that series by creating a new column for it:
pop['FractionBronx'] = pop['Bronx']/pop['Total']and then can use it to create a new graph:
pop.plot(x = 'Years', y = 'FractionBronx')shown in the following plot:
Much of the data collected by city agencies is publicly available at NYC Open Data. Let's use pandas to plot some data from NYC OpenData.
We'll start with data that has the daily number of families and individuals residing in the Department of Homeless Services (DHS) shelter system:
Click on the "View Data" button. To keep the data set from being very large (and avoid some missing values in 2014), we are going filter the data to be all counts after January 1, 2015. To do this:
Move your CSV file to the directory you save your programs. Open with Excel (or your favorite spreadsheet program) to make sure it downloaded correctly. Look at the names of the columns since those will correspond to series we can plot.
Now, we can write a (short) program to display daily counts:
import pandas as pd homeless = pd.read_csv("DHS_Daily_Report.csv") homeless.plot(x = "Date of Census", y = "Total Individuals in Shelter")Save your program and try on your dataset.
If you finish the lab early, now is a great time to get a head start on the programming problems due early next week. There's instructors to help you and you already have Python up and running. The Programming Problem List has problem descriptions, suggested reading, and due dates next to each problem.