CSci 39542 Syllabus    Resources    Coursework

Program 8: Yellow Taxi Data
CSci 39542: Introduction to Data Science
Department of Computer Science
Hunter College, City University of New York
Spring 2022

Classwork    Quizzes    Homework    Project   

Program Description

Program 8: Yellow Taxi Data.Due noon, Thursday, 31 March.
Learning Objective: give students practice on implementing model from start to finish and to strengthen understanding of model drift.
Available Libraries: pandas, datetime, sklearn, and core Python 3.6+.
Data Sources:
Yellow Taxi Trip Data from OpenData NYC.
Sample Datasets: taxi_new_years_day_2020.csv, taxi_4July2020.csv, and taxi_jfk_june2020.csv.

image of yellow taxi

This program as well as the following program, Program 9, are tailored to the NYC OpenData Yellow Taxi Trip Data and follow a standard strategy for data cleaning and model building of:

  1. Read in datasets, merging and cleaning as needed.
  2. Impute missing values (we will use median for the numeric values).
  3. Transform features to polynomial (we will restrict to quadratic).
  4. Split our dataset into training and testing sets.
  5. Fit a model, or multiple models, to the training dataset.
  6. Validate the models using the testing dataset.
This program will focus on building a linear regression model on the numerical features of our dataset to predict tip percentages. In Program 9, we also encode and impute categorical data features to build a model to predict which taxi trips paid tolls.

The function specifications are:

For example, the file, taxi_jfk_june2020.csv, contains all taxi trips, starting from JFK in June 2020 Yellow Taxi Trip Data (about 9,500 entries) with the first lines are:

2,06/01/2020 12:00:31 AM,06/01/2020 12:31:43 AM,1,12.59,1,N,132,189,2,37,0.5,0.5,0,0,0.3,38.3,0
2,06/01/2020 12:05:23 AM,06/01/2020 12:29:05 AM,1,15.8,1,N,132,255,1,42,0.5,0.5,8.66,0,0.3,51.96,0
2,06/01/2020 12:06:27 AM,06/01/2020 12:36:26 AM,1,18.19,2,N,132,142,1,52,0,0.5,10,0,0.3,65.3,2.5
2,06/01/2020 12:08:48 AM,06/01/2020 12:40:48 AM,2,19,2,N,132,113,1,52,0,0.5,13.82,0,0.3,69.12,2.5
2,06/01/2020 12:13:46 AM,06/01/2020 12:25:29 AM,1,7.21,1,N,132,134,2,21,0.5,0.5,0,0,0.3,22.3,0
Then our first functions:
df = import_data('taxi_jfk_june2020.csv')
df = add_tip_time_features(df)
print(df[ ['trip_distance','duration','dayofweek','total_amount','percent_tip'] ].head() )
   trip_distance  duration  dayofweek  total_amount  percent_tip
0          12.59    1872.0          0         38.30     0.000000
1          15.80    1422.0          0         51.96    20.000000
2          18.19    1799.0          0         65.30    18.083183
3          19.00    1920.0          0         69.12    24.990958
4           7.21     703.0          0         22.30     0.000000

We can impute the missing data in numerical columns with their median value. For example:

print(df[ ['passenger_count','trip_distance'] ].head(10) )
df['passenger_count'] = impute_numeric_cols(df,['passenger_count'])
print( df[ ['passenger_count','trip_distance'] ].head(10) )
shows the passenger_count the results of impute_numeric_cols:
   passenger_count  trip_distance
0              1.0          12.59
1              1.0          15.80
2              1.0          18.19
3              2.0          19.00
4              1.0           7.21
5              1.0           6.50
6              2.0          13.90
7              NaN           0.00
8              NaN           0.00
9              NaN           0.00
   passenger_count  trip_distance
0              1.0          12.59
1              1.0          15.80
2              1.0          18.19
3              2.0          19.00
4              1.0           7.21
5              1.0           6.50
6              2.0          13.90
7              1.0           0.00
8              1.0           0.00
9              1.0           0.00

The running example in the textbook focuses on predicting restaurant tips. A highly correlated feature with tips for restaurant meals is the total bill. Let's look at the taxi data set to see if a similar correlation is suggested for tips on yellow taxi trips:

#Explore some data:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

sns.lmplot(x="total_amount", y="percent_tip", data=df)
tot_r = df['total_amount'].corr(df['percent_tip'])
plt.title(f'Taxi Trips from JFK, June 2020 with r = {tot_r:.2f}')
plt.tight_layout()  #for nicer margins
sns.lmplot(x="trip_distance", y="percent_tip", data=df)
dist_r = df['trip_distance'].corr(df['percent_tip'])
plt.title(f'Taxi Trips from JFK, June 2020 with r = {dist_r:.2f}')
plt.tight_layout()  #for nicer margins

The resulting images:

Neither total amount or distance of the trip are strongly correlated, suggesting a linear regression model with a single input will not make a good predictor. Let's build a more complicated model that uses multiple inputs, including the numerical columns:

num_cols = ['passenger_count','trip_distance','RatecodeID','PULocationID','DOLocationID','payment_type','fare_amount','extra','mta_tax','tip_amount','tolls_amount','improvement_surcharge','total_amount','congestion_surcharge','duration','dayofweek']
df_imputed = impute_numeric_cols(df,num_cols)
df_x = df_imputed
y = df['percent_tip']

With the missing numeric data imputed, we can fit the model on training sets (of size 25%):

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
print('For numeric columns, training on 25% of data:')
x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(df_x,y)
intercept, coeffs, mod = fit_linear_regression(x_train,y_train)
print(f'intercept = {intercept} and coefficients = {coeffs}')
tr_err,tr_r2 = predict_using_trained_model(mod, x_train,y_train)
print(f'training:  RMSE = {tr_err} and r2 = {tr_r2}.')
test_err,test_r2 = predict_using_trained_model(mod, x_test,y_test)
print(f'testing:  RMSE = {test_err} and r2 = {test_r2}.')

the resulting model does a reasonable both with the training and testing data sets that we used to validate the model:

For numeric columns, training on 25% of data:
intercept = 34.128603724366776 and coefficients = [-4.51251635e-02  1.42762012e-01 -2.13115277e-01  5.25968158e-15
 -2.55903361e-03 -6.90080569e+00  4.14314789e-02  1.10260155e-02
 -3.02379090e+00  1.29921229e+00  1.10123016e-01 -4.40906348e+01
 -1.81824685e-01  5.12722540e-02 -3.16853791e-05  1.08447199e-02]
training:  RMSE = 34.01017686662997 and r2 = 0.7350167925786109.
testing:  RMSE = 23.9974484390634 and r2 = 0.798760914470428.

We can use the model for other yellow taxi data sets to see how well our model does:

print(f'Prediction for 4 July data:')
df_july = pd.read_csv('taxi_4July2020.csv').head()
df_july = add_tip_time_features(df_july)
df_j_imp = impute_numeric_cols(df_july,num_cols)
df_x = df_imputed
y = df_july['percent_tip']
df_july_imp = impute_numeric_cols(df_july,num_cols)
july_err,july_r2 = predict_using_trained_model(mod, df_july_imp,df_july['percent_tip'])
print(f'training:  RMSE = {tr_err} and r2 = {tr_r2}.')

The root mean squared error is higher, but still a reasonable fit:

Prediction for 4 July data:
training:  RMSE = 34.01017686662997 and r2 = 0.7350167925786109.

Do we need 25% of the data for training? Let's try with just 10% of the data and see how well the model does on the training and testing data:

print('For numeric columns, training on 10% of data:')
df_x = df_imputed
y = df['percent_tip']
x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(df_x,y,test_size=0.1,random_state=17)
intercept, coeffs, mod = fit_linear_regression(x_train,y_train)
print(f'intercept = {intercept} and coefficients = {coeffs}')
tr_err,tr_r2 = predict_using_trained_model(mod, x_train,y_train)
print(f'training:  RMSE = {tr_err} and r2 = {tr_r2}.')
test_err,test_r2 = predict_using_trained_model(mod, x_test,y_test)
print(f'testing:  RMSE = {test_err} and r2 = {test_r2}.')
For numeric columns, training on 10% of data:
intercept = 31.93944365469102 and coefficients = [-6.96532365e-02  1.53416173e-01 -1.75092738e-01  4.35768088e-12
 -2.11111185e-03 -6.89816662e+00 -2.41541506e-02  3.72953218e-02
 -3.24270162e+00  1.26217702e+00  2.79494331e-02 -3.67595994e+01
 -1.22350450e-01 -9.82610653e-02 -2.68681888e-05  1.17100065e-02]
training:  RMSE = 31.839870447532608 and r2 = 0.7460779638992571.
testing:  RMSE = 27.58958147548388 and r2 = 0.7913497106610776.

Lastly, we can use quadratic features to build a model:

print('For transformed columns, training on 25% of data:')
df_transformed = transform_numeric_cols(df_imputed)
df_x = df_transformed
x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(df_x,y)
int_poly, co_poly, mod_poly = fit_linear_regression(x_train,y_train)
print(f'intercept = {int_poly} and coefficients = {co_poly}')
tr_err,tr_r2 = predict_using_trained_model(mod_poly, x_train,y_train)
print(f'training:  RMSE = {tr_err} and r2 = {tr_r2}.')
test_err,test_r2 = predict_using_trained_model(mod_poly, x_test,y_test)
print(f'testing:  RMSE = {test_err} and r2 = {test_r2}.')

the resulting model produces the following parameters and does very well with the training data, but not as well on validation:

testing:  RMSE = 27.58958147548388 and r2 = 0.7913497106610776.
For transformed columns, training on 25% of data:
intercept = 98.72874163717195 and coefficients = [ 2.10419587e-05 -7.33813212e-05  3.36448376e-05 -1.14982704e-03
  3.21888112e-07 -1.44329284e-05 -8.69336745e-04  1.66712369e-04
  2.81695737e-04 -1.08879523e-03  3.41908316e-04  2.12645367e-04
 -1.14415611e-02 -1.90864671e-04 -3.59725562e-05 -1.35384327e-07
  3.16192056e-05 -9.70729528e-03  4.68643310e-02  6.01985117e-03
 -3.18255958e-03  1.30289584e-04 -2.68086479e-01 -3.84924504e-02
 -1.65688146e-02  1.50481295e+00 -5.70407301e-02 -2.27108373e-02
  2.44141763e-02  2.50939438e-02 -1.76656859e-02  2.59647998e-05
 -8.80232044e-04 -1.68208742e-03  4.63169427e-02  4.20433722e-03
  1.43176776e-04  1.06253564e-01 -6.34687088e-03 -5.11306022e-03
 -4.48735254e-01 -1.76742277e-02 -2.67139991e-02 -1.77037894e+00
  4.89418246e-03  6.67734938e-02  2.61976357e-05  5.54436646e-03
  1.98243118e-01 -1.51783343e-01  1.30845509e-03 -3.03937419e-01
 -2.56107583e-01  6.41789127e-03  2.86357901e-01 -3.85596590e-01
 -3.39876707e-01  5.92648639e+01  2.73192850e-01 -2.66978945e-01
 -8.89359192e-05 -6.07624881e-02  2.58565114e-11 -1.84421817e-03
 -1.14789591e-01  2.19810468e-02  3.71806539e-02 -1.43718154e-01
  4.51344132e-02  2.80868768e-02 -1.51028036e+00 -2.52000297e-02
 -4.74896197e-03 -6.65332251e-06  4.16021836e-03  6.31572545e-08
  2.15564627e-03  2.64693081e-04  2.21420140e-05  3.08987702e-02
  6.24975144e-04  2.75875164e-04  7.32510247e-01 -1.97699408e-04
 -9.16773789e-04 -1.59614030e-06 -2.89070057e-04  1.24237417e+00
 -1.54267635e-01 -2.27724946e-01  5.13635975e+00  3.41927378e-04
 -3.14913649e-01 -2.31439213e-02  3.06565666e-01 -6.16213488e-01
 -1.47606798e-04 -8.65390190e-02  3.68778339e-02  1.26272255e-01
  4.81095283e-01  1.45582565e-01  1.27227451e-01 -7.45844272e-02
 -1.05134981e-01 -4.77707890e-01  1.19878534e-04 -1.60477785e-02
  8.79743756e-02 -3.46596353e+00  1.55694466e-01  1.62418563e-01
 -2.61367204e-01 -1.59647359e-01 -3.77665930e-01  1.09330543e-04
  1.09208554e-02 -5.44386948e-04  6.14354603e-01  4.03678198e-01
 -2.39788549e-02 -3.80000807e-01  1.60567166e+00  5.47130715e-05
 -7.00781561e-01  1.16678588e-01  1.72987001e-01  1.02578238e-04
 -1.81873085e-01 -5.69410563e-01  6.15174164e-05 -5.18682465e-02
  8.35896110e-02  6.38338090e-05 -1.52328411e-01 -4.96025702e-01
  1.11070132e-04 -3.21976800e-02 -3.43245537e-03 -3.59795585e-01
 -1.07930916e-05  4.00086335e-03 -4.81844771e-01  6.89662685e-02
  4.69985663e-01 -1.22753069e-04  1.91297859e-02 -8.99424477e-05
  2.04662228e-04  6.33667804e-02  5.53689326e-09  1.30022472e-05
training:  RMSE = 13.088491006521934 and r2 = 0.8967712162338656.
testing:  RMSE = 84.80328619938028 and r2 = 0.31582057991135126.