Classwork: geoJSON

MHC 250/Seminar 4:
Shaping the Future of New York City
Spring 2017

Standard Formats for GIS Data

Integral to this course is analyzing and visualizing GIS data. There are several standard formats: Here's an excellent summary & comparison of these formats.


We will be primarily using geoJSON files for this course. Use the geojson's mapper, locate your home campus. Mark the point (select from the menu on the right of the map).

Here's a nice description of basic concepts of geoJSON:

geoJSON and folium

Folium provides a simple interface to leaflet.js for mapping geoJSON data. Work through example from tutorial that uses a geoJSON layer for folium.

These have moved since this classwork was written, a similar version is at . Note that the rewrite of the examples assumes that you are using jupyter and displays in-line. To save an .html file to diplay, you need to save it ('htmlFile.html'))

Using your the geoJSON file that you created. What do the different tile options do? That is, how do the following options change your map:

Additional Challenges

Through the open data project, there are many geoJSON layers available. Download some of the following and use folium to create different webpages displaying these political and administrative districts: For each, choose an appropriate background map. Note that you can combine these with your own datasets (i.e. overlap your 311 complaints on top of zip codes or congressional districts).

Limits to Growth

The reading for today addressed limits to growth at a global level. What limits are there to the number of individuals that could live in New York City?

With your group, identify the following quantities:

What factors could limit growth? Using the population predictions from the reading,