SKELETAL NOTES (follow this template to take notes as you are working through the lab): Learning Objectives What are the main learning objectives for this lab? String Methods: Read through the textbook's summary on string methods, and write down, for future reference, any that are unfamiliar: Sketch out the algorithm for the two LeetCode Challenges: 66. Plus One: 1903. Largest Odd Number in a String: Formatted Strings: Explain f-strings and give an example: List Comprehensions: Explain list comprehensions and give an example: Zips: Explain zips and give an example: File I/O: How do you open/close a file? What does "with" do? Explain the 3 built-in ways to access data from a file: read(): readline(): readlines(): FOCUS QUESTIONS (Make sure you can answer these questions when you are done with the lab): For each, give an example of how you would: * set up a string variable: * find the length of a string variable: * index the first and last elements of a string: * select a substring (slicing): * loop through a string: Explain how you would loop through a file and print the first word from each line: What is the output of: firsts = ['Thomas','Donna','Jennifer','Ann'] lasts = ['Hunter','Shalala','Raab','Kirschner'] for first, last in zip(firsts,lasts): print(f'President {first} {last}')