Description: 3 hours, 3 credits: This course presents an overview of computer science (CS) with an emphasis on problem-solving and computational thinking through 'coding': computer programming for beginners. Other topics include: organization of hardware, software, and how information is structured on contemporary computing devices. This course is pre-requisite to several introductory core courses in the CS Major. The course is also required for the CS minor. MATH 12500 or higher is strongly recommended as a co-req for intended Majors.
Expectations: Completing homework is an essential part of the learning experience. Students are expected to learn both the material covered in class and the material in the textbook and other assigned reading.
Honor Code: You are encouraged to work together on the overall design of the programs and homework. However, for specific programs and homework assignments, all work must be your own. You are responsible for knowing and following Hunter College's Academic Integrity Policy:
Hunter College regards acts of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating on examinations, obtaining unfair advantage, and falsification of records and official documents) as serious offenses against the values of intellectual honesty. The College is committed to enforcing the CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity and will pursue cases of academic dishonesty according to the Hunter College Academic Integrity Procedures.All incidents of cheating will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct in the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students office.
Homework: Programming exercises are posted on the class website, usually three weeks before the due date. They reinforce concepts covered in lecture and lab. Note that as the semester progresses, the programs will require work on design and programming outside of class to complete. To receive full credit for a program, the program must perform correctly, must include comments, be written in good style, and be submitted by 6pm deadline. Programs are submitted via gradescope. You can miss up to 5 programming assignments without affecting your grade (if you turn in all the programming assignments, we will drop the lowest 5 scores). No late homework is accepted.
Lecture Preview: Before every lecture, there is a short on-line quiz based on the material for the week. The preview is available on Blackboard the day before lecture and can be repeated as many times as you would like until the start of lecture. Turning in lecture previews will only help your grade. There are no make-ups for lecture previews. Instead, if you miss a lecture preview, your grade on the final exam will replace that grade.
Lecture Participation: At every lecture (Tuesdays, 11:10am-12:25pm, 118 HN), there will be a lecture slip to be submitted, either electronically or on paper. Completed lecture slips are given full credit. Turning in lecture slips will only help your grade. There are no make-ups for lecture slips. Instead, if you miss a lecture slip, your grade on the final exam will replace that grade.
In-Class Quizzes: At every recitation, there will be an in-class quiz on the lecture notes, reading, submitted programs, and laboratory exercises.
Final Exam: The final exam is required. It is comprehensive, covering all the material of the course. Sample and past exams are available on the course webpage. We will end most lectures with past exam questions and review to prepare for the final. You must take and pass the final to pass the course.
Grades: The grading for the course will be based on:
Textbook & Readings: The following free on-line book is required for the course:
Technology: This course uses multiple software tools and languages. All are available on the lab computers.
Computer Access: Part of this course will use university computer laboratories. These machines are for work related to this course only and a code of conduct applies to computer use in the department and on-campus. Misusing university computers could result in losing your computer access for the rest of the term, making it exceedingly difficult to complete this course.
Tutoring: The CSci 127 course has a dedicated laboratory, 1001E North, and a staff of undergraduate teaching assistants to provide tutoring and assistance with the course.
Accommodating Disabilities: In compliance with the American Disability Act of 1990 (ADA) and with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Hunter College is committed to ensuring educational parity and accommodations for all students with documented disabilities and/or medical conditions. It is recommended that all students with documented disabilities (Emotional, Medical, Physical, and/or Learning) consult the Office of AccessABILITY, located in Room E1214B, to secure necessary academic accommodations. For further information and assistance, please call: (212) 772- 4857 or (212) 650-3230.
Hunter College Policy on Sexual Misconduct: In compliance with the CUNY Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Hunter College reaffirms the prohibition of any sexual misconduct, which includes sexual violence, sexual harassment, and gender-based harassment retaliation against students, employees, or visitors, as well as certain intimate relationships. Students who have experienced any form of sexual violence on or off campus (including CUNY-sponsored trips and events) are entitled to the rights outlined in the Bill of Rights for Hunter College.