Grading Notes:

Assume ΣD = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
  1. Write a regular expression for all 2 digit numbers.
  2. Explain in words what the following regular expression represents:
    ΣD* / ΣD
  3. Explain in words what the following regular expression represents:
    ΣD / ΣD
  4. Explain in words what the following regular expression represents:
    ΣD* / ΣD*
    where the alphabet has been extended to include the token: "/"
  5. Explain in words what the following regular expression represents:
    {+,-,ε} ΣD . ΣD*
    where the alphabet has been extended to include the tokens: {., +, -}