CSci 39542 Syllabus    Resources    Coursework

Program 1: Popular Names
CSci 39542: Introduction to Data Science
Department of Computer Science
Hunter College, City University of New York
Spring 2022

Classwork    Quizzes    Homework    Project   

Program Description

Program 1: Popular Names.Due noon, Thursday, 10 February.
Learning Objective: to build competency with string and file I/O functionality of core Python.
Available Libraries: Core Python 3.6+ only.
Data Sources: Social Security Administration's
baby names data sets.
Sample Datasets: a_names.txt, korea_most_pop2019.txt,

In lecture and DS 100: Chapter 1 of the textbook, we looked at first names for students taking data science at UC Berkeley as well as the baby names data set from the Social Security Administration. We explored properties such as the lengths of names:

For this program, we will focus on the most common names in a given file, as well the names that make up a fixed fraction of the names. To allow for unit testing, the assignment is broken into the following functions:

For example, assuming these functions are in a file, and run on a file containing names that start with 'A', a_names.txt:

lst = p1.extract_names('a_names.txt')
print(f'The list is:\n{lst}')
dict = p1.count_names(lst)
print(f'The dictionary is:\n{dict}')
lstTop = p1.popular_names(dict)
print(f'The top 3 names are: {lstTop}.')
num = p1.percent_captured(dict, threshold = 50)
print(f'The top {num} names make up 50% of the list.')
gives the output:
The list is:
['Alex', 'Andy', 'Amy', 'Alani', 'Alex', 'Ana', 'Angela', 'Ai', 'Asia', 'Alex', 'Anna', 'Ana', 'Asami', 'Andrea', 'Alex', 'Ana', 'Anya', 'Aiko', 'Ana', 'Angela', 'Ai', 'Alexander', 'Alex', 'Ana', 'Andy']
The dictionary is:
{'Alex': 5, 'Andy': 2, 'Amy': 1, 'Alani': 1, 'Ana': 5, 'Angela': 2, 'Ai': 2, 'Asia': 1, 'Anna': 1, 'Asami': 1, 'Andrea': 1, 'Anya': 1, 'Aiko': 1, 'Alexander': 1}
The top 3 names are: ['Alex', 'Ana', 'Andy'].
The top 4 names make up 50% of the list.

Another example with a file korea_most_pop2019.txt, containing the most popular names in South Korea in 2019, separated by both newlines and spaces:

lst = p1.extract_names('korea_most_pop2019.txt',sep=["\n"," "])
gives the output:
['Ji-an', 'Ha-yoon', 'Seo-ah', 'Ha-eun', 'Seo-yun', 'Ha-rin', 'Ji-yoo', 'Ji-woo', 'Soo-ah', 'Ji-a', 'Seo-jun', 'Ha-joon', 'Do-yun', 'Eun-woo', 'Si-woo', 'Ji-ho', 'Ye-jun', 'Yu-jun', 'Ju-won', 'Min-jun']

Notes: you should submit a file with only the standard comments at the top, and these functions. The grading scripts will then import the file for testing and expect the functions to match in name and return values to above:


def extract_names(file_name, sep = ["\n"]):
    Opens and reads from file_name, and returns a list of names.

    Keyword arguments:
    sep -- the deliminators for splitting up the data (default ['\n'])

    #Placeholder-- replace with your code
    lst = []
    return lst

def count_names(names_lst):
    Returns a dictionary of names with values the number of times
    each name occurs in the input, names_lst.

    #Placeholder-- replace with your code
    dict = {}
    return dict

def popular_names(names_dict,num = 3):
    Returns a list of the num most popular names as a list of strings.

    Keyword arguments:
    sep -- the number of names to return (default is 3)

    #Placeholder-- replace with your code
    lst = []
    return lst

def percent_captured(names_dict,threshold = 75):
    Returns the number of names needed to have at least threshold percent of
    all the names in the dictionary.

    Keyword arguments:
    threshold -- the percent used for threshold (default 75)

    #Placeholder-- replace with your code
    count = 0
    return count

If your file includes code outside of these functions, either comment the code out before submitting or use a main function that is conditionally executed (see Think CS: Section 6.8 for details).